Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tell It To Me Tuesday

I have linked up with C*Mae in her very first link up of Tell It To Me Tuesday. 
Since every day can't be sunshine and skittles, she created a link up to vent just a teeny bit and let out the little silliness that's bothering you.  Here Goes!

*There are people I work with {men} who are SOOOO sensitive.  I get a little BRUSK, I'm not even talking full on hollering, I mean a little loud and they POUT! Like little 4 year-old girls with blonde ringlets! I don't understand. How do they handle when clients/vendors aren't happy?!

*You know that person that is reading something at work, laughs heartily and then waits for you to ask what they are laughing at??  Yeah I work with one of those, except when you ask what's going on, you get dismissed with a "oh, it's nothing".  Sometimes I want to say "why are you laughing? if you aren't going to share, keep it to yourself" it's like this person just WANTS someone to notice them.

So I think those are the things bothering me today =) I know -- short list, but that means I'm happy =) I'm looking forward to tonight, I have been performing at a local bar with my brother-in-law on Tuesday nights.  If the monsoon doesn't wash us away, tonight will be week 3 for me!! More on that later! Have a fabulous Wednesday Tuesday, Friends!  (I seriously WROTE Wednesday -- sadness haha)


  1. Wimpy men :) Geez...they're not in a rainbows and sunshine work environment...

  2. BAHAHAHAHA, I can relate to your list. Your #2, drives me NUTS...I always just wanna say, "JUST TELL ME WHAT YOU'RE LAUGHING ABOUT!!!"

  3. Awe Thanks for playing girlfriend! I time hopefully others will catch on, i guess I ask for more thought with my link up since it isn't a simple post a picture of something you like type deal!

  4. Ahhh, performing?? Can't wait to hear more about that!

  5. Ha! Those are both annoying! :) I want to hear more about the performing too! Cool!

  6. hehe... sounds like good rants. i think they'd drive me nuts too! Hope you didn't get washed away!

  7. hahahaha, too funny! the laughing part kills me ... why laugh if you won't share the joke. annoyance!


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