Thursday, October 6, 2011

Happiness Is...

Finding something that makes you laugh EVERY. TIME.

Today, this is mine:

I would like to apologize for the swearing...

Pinned Image

I really enjoyed reading the Twilight books didn't really like the first movie so I never saw the others. But THIS is hilarious -- the bad-A vamps making fun of the eternally in love one. AWESOME-SAUCE!

Yes -- this is getting me through my Thursday...



  1. Give the OTHER movies a chance--they get MUCHHH better!!!

  2. Ha ha. That is hilarious!!

    PS. The New Moon movie was a thousand times better than Twilight. It was done by a different director. The whole look of it is way different and the acting is way better. Just sayin... :)

  3. The first movie sucked, it was really low budget, they did not expect it to do so well but they get better, i promise you!


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