Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Little Random on Thursday

So for some reason, when my post for yesterday went up it kind of froze my poor little bloggy =( I don't know why - I didn't have anything out of the ordinary going on in it. I just tried it again and it worked so if you have found my post today - you could also check out the post that SHOULD have gone up yesterday.

I picked out the master bathroom color yesterday at lunch. Before deciding on it, I went back to the tile department with a sample card to make sure it would look good. I was stressing with the whole beige tile and oak cabinets but it is going to look awesome! I think that has to do with the fact that it has warmer undertones as opposed to blue undertones. I was going to share the color with you but it sits on the counter at home =/ booo!!

Our tentative closing is Monday at 11 AM! I am so excited! I can't wait!!! The appraisal came back and it is all good to go =) There are SO many steps and hand changes that things make when you are buying a house. I know to some of you this isn't surprising, but let's be real here -- I haven't ever bought anything. We DID have to buy me a car a couple months ago after my accident, but we paid cash and I feel like a car is SO much smaller (not talking physically here) than a house.

I am hoping to be able to take half days all next week to work on getting stuff done. I can't wait to start showing you transformation pictures and different upgrades we do.

My husband started his new position today! I am so so excited -- no more out of town working and no more traveling. No more nights away from one another -- this is going to be BLISS!!! He will work a normal job - I think it is probably the first in his life! He has worked so so hard this past year, with the traveling and the hard, back-breaking work he of his previous position. There were most nights than not, when he would get home and be so sore he could barely move. It pained me to see him like that because there wasn't anything I could do for him. I'm so thrilled that won't be the case any longer! YAY!

A very good friend of mine is interviewing for a new job today - so if you could take a moment and send prayers for her or positive warm fuzzies or whatever it is you do, it would really be appreciated. She is such a kind and smart girl and she is a hard worker. This would be an incredible opportunity for her and her husband.

Tomorrow is Friday and we are having our 3rd Annual Halloween Bash. This year my sister is hosting it at their new house. I can't wait! We are going to play board games with a drinking twist and I hope I can convince a bunch of people to play twister =) Can you imagine -- grown people in their twenties and thirties playing drunk twister!? Sounds like fun to me!!

Two weeks ago I bought my first pair of skinny jeans. The salesgirl picked them out for me and let me just tell y'all -- I am IN LOVE! The husband even likes them. I think for Christmas, I am going to re-do my wardrobe. =) We'll see, that idea may change once we get moved in and start thinking about other things for the house that we want or need.

Alright - I think that is enough news and random-ness for a Thursday. I hope you are having a wonderful week!!
Anything new and exciting with you???


  1. Hooray for closing on Monday!!! Hopefully it'll be a day full of treats for ya. ;)

    And congrats on the husbands new job, so happy for ya!

  2. Awesome, I'm so glad that John's new position starts! I know you're beyond excited! Congrats :)

  3. Congrats on the house! Halloween bashes are always so fun!

  4. So glad you and your hubby get to be together again for good! I hope your halloween party went wonderful! Glad you like your new skinny jeans!!!


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