Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Filling the Space With Paint

Well people - it is official....I'm addicted to these paint classes.  I have now been to THREE since the first one I went to with my  mom and my sister.  Last night was my third and in three weeks I am going to my 4th! MEANWHILE we are already planning on for April. Yes, I have a problem lol!

But I have a plan!!! Here it is!! - we have this long narrow hallway in our house
and I have tried to come up with something to put in there. I have perused Pinterest and the Internet to no avail.  About halfway through the first painting, I realized that I wanted to hang it in the hallway and if I still enjoyed myself, I could do at least one a month and hang them in there! WOO! what a great idea and fun way to decorate!


At the end of the evening, you look around and you will find that EVERYONE's painting looks so different! we all had the same brushes and canvas, access to paint, same instructor and amount of time, and STILL everyone produces something that is not like another.  I love it! I already can't wait for the next one!!! 
 photo signature_zps9b0b42f9.jpg

1 comment:

  1. You should definitely make a gallery wall out of all your paintings. :) I really hope to do one of those classes soon! Sounds so much fun!


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