Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Happy Little Surprises

Since this was our first married Valentine's Day together -- J wanted to actually do something.  As I said yesterday, we normally don't celebrate this Hallmark holiday.  The Husband was determined to make our first Married Valentine's special for us.
All day yesterday J was texting me or calling me asking if I had received anything at work.  I hadn't every time he asked.  I thought he was just being a brat, setting me up for nothing. At 5 when it was FINALLY time to end the charade, he told me to sit at work. He had an Edible Arrangement sent to me at work =) It was really sweet and SO yummy! Since it was after 5 when I received them, I saved it to share with my honey.
When I got home, I was greeted with big hugs and kisses and beautiful roses. I know roses are so cliche on Valentine's Day, BUT it was really sweet because he isn't a flowers kind of guy =) I also had a box of chocolates and really REALLY sweet card from him.
As I am changing into comfy clothes, I smell a delicious aroma wafting into the house. I walked outside to the grill where J was grilling a huge bacon-wrapped filet, potato and bacon-wrapped shrimp.
yes we ate in the livingroom -- don't judge =)
After we ate too much food, we tackled the Edible Arrangement and watched J's favorite movies: The Sandlot and I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry.
It was such a sweet night and all of it was unexpected! I am so lucky to have a wonderful husband who wants to surprise me and make me happy =)
How was your Valentine's Day?


Elizabeth said...

What a perfect V-Day surprise! I love Edible Arrangments! What a sweet hubs you have!

Young and Fabulous said...

so adorable!! he was just full of surprises! love when our manly men get sentimental :)

xoxox looks like you 2 had a fab evening for your first v-day together as a married couple!


Unknown said...

Whoa! WAY.TO.GO.JAY!!!

That was a wonderful Valentines! How awesome! Roses NEVER get old! [Aaron isn't a flower guy either]

So happy for you!!!

Christina said...

Very sweet :)

Courtney said...

All that food sounds so yummy!!

Amber said...

How thoughtful of him for wanting to make a big deal out of your first Valentine's Day! I love grilling at home and spending quality time together like that. That edible arrangement looks delicious!

Kym @ Travel Babbles said...

Ah! That looks nothing short of PERFECT! We don't celebrate Valentines Day either but I think it's such a sweet idea to go ahead and do a little something something for your first VDay as 'man and wife'

I LOVE edible arrangements. Mmmmm the last one I received had chocolate covered pineapples, green apples and strawberries. What a treat!!

Unknown said...

What a sweet heart!

Anonymous said...

How sweet. I think it is so great he did so many nice things for you! The strawberries and dinner look so yummy!
Well done J!

Unknown said...

This looks like a wonderful night! Love of all of the surprises and yummy supper! Very romantic!

~Romantic Savy

Tami said...

It sounds like you had an awesome first Valentine's day as a married couple! :)

Emily said...

Aren't Edible Arragements the best? Whoever came up with that idea is brilliant I tell you! I gave you a blog award on my blog today: http://emslifenow.blogspot.com/2011/02/and-award-goes-to.html check it out :)

Sam W. said...

so sweet! what a lovely and memorable day/night for you :)

Michelle (michabella) said...

AW!!!!!! What a great Valentines day!!!!! The dinner looks so good! I love The Sandlot! :)

Jessica and Stephan said...

What a wonderful day and such a loving husband! Aren't surprises awesome?!

Jocelyn said...

Ahh, sounds like the perfect Valentines day!! Your dinner looked amazing!!

Pink Champagne, Gatorade, and MRE's said...

sounds delish! such a sweet guy :)

Nicole said...

Don't worry, we ate in the living room too :)