Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tail Wagging Tuesday

I'm linking up with CMae over at Live What you Love for
Tail Wagging Tuesday
Today's Topic: Favorite Picture Of The Pet
(only ONE! Can you believe it?! haha)

I think Ruger was about 10-12 weeks old and we were just playing in the yard.  he was SUCH a sweet and cute puppy...I miss the fluffy puppy fur lol


Tami said...

So cute! I love looking back at puppy pictures!

asj said...

So cute! I miss the puppy paws the most (so big and awkward looking, haha)

Michelle said...

OMG soooo adorable! Love the ears! What a cutie!

Scientific Housewife said...

He is so cute as a puppy!

Megan said...

Awww, such a cutie!!! I love puppy pictures!!

star said...

Your pup is so cute!! He looks really sweet!

C Mae said...

It's weird how one day they just lose all that puppy fluff and it becomes "adult" fur? :) Thanks so much for playing along today!

Anonymous said...

so sweet!!

J and A said...

Adorable!! :) So sweet, I miss the puppy stage too!

Courtney said...

Oh my goodness, how sweet! Reminds me of my little furbaby when she was itty bitty!