Monday, January 17, 2011

My Sister's Engagement Party & Week 2 of Project 52

This past Saturday, I helped coordinate the engagement party hosted by my parents for my sister and her fiance. We tend to lay low when everyone gets together to hang out and this event was no different =) My mom made a cake and we had Sonny's cater.  If you want a one stop, AFFORDABLE catering service for a laid back event, call Sonny's.  They provided the main course, sides, drinks, AND more plates, napkins, cups, straws, utensils than necessary! =) oh AND the food is pretty darn tasty =)
The party started off with a little Wii Frisbee Golf action before the Steelers/Ravens game (Woo Steelers!!)
Jess has SIX bridesmaids, but only 4 of us could make it to the party.  2 girls that came are from NC and made the trip down to see her and hang out for the weekend.
Jess - Hayley (NC) - Katie A.(NC)
Sonny's Catering -- YUM!
Watching The Miss America Pageant
Bocce Ball was played in the back yard

Jess and 4 of her bridesmaids

Me and Jess

The Original Four

A little pool was also played

The Couple-to-be

The New 'W's

We had a great group show up and fun was had by all! 

OK so Week 2 of Project 52 was Food.  I wish I would have taken my camera to Sushi night on Friday night but alas, I forgot! SO I am going to use pictures of food from the engagement party.
Veggie Tray
Cake my mom made -- she's AMAZING =)

For a list of topics for Project 52, go here!


nomo wino daph said...

Happy Monday Ashley!

Looks like a great time by all. How fun was that??

Congrats to your sister:)

I am also doing the project 52. You can link up with me if you want on Wednesdays for {semi} wordless wednesday. (that way, i always know I have a pic for wed, lol)

Angie said...

That cake looks AMAZING!! That's so neat that your mom made it! Congrats to you sis, she looks really happy! :)

Megan said...

Wow...that cake is amazing! I can't believe that she made that!! Congrats to your sister!! : )

Is Sonny's catfish and such? We have a Sonny's here and that's what it is. It's delicious!

Betty said...

Looks like a fun time! And that cake is so beautiful!

Jocelyn said...

Love the cake!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a fun family party! Love the cake...your mom has talent!

Unknown said...

Congrats to your sister <3



Unknown said...

Cute pics and love the cake! Go Steelers :) Have a blessed week! xoxo

Sam W. said...

look at that cake! gorgeous :). sounds like a fun party!

Nicole said...

Wow, your mom did an excellent job! And sounds like your sister will now share a W last name with you? Cool!

Pink Champagne, Gatorade, and MRE's said...

wow your mom did a great job on that cake and yes woo steelers!

Faith said...

looks like a great engagement party!

your mom did an amazing job on that cake! WOW!!