or should BLOG-iversary!!
That's right! Today this lil' blog of mine (I'm gonna let it shine!) is TWO!!!!
I can't believe it has been two years - that means I have been married that long...
which we all knew from a couple months ago - but still!!
So Happy Blog-iversary to me!!
As I started this baby out with a craft/re-do, so shall I celebrate today with one!
I have been bit by the 'decorating bug'
No I don't know if it is a real thing to anyone else - it is to me.
The problem - absolute NUMBER ONE thing - is that redecorating or decorating at all for that matter GENERALLY costs some dolla' bills. I am so thankful that I was blessed with a craft/creative gene. I look all over the internet and in magazines for ideas and then I think of a way I can make something similar. Now, I would LOVE to show you my craft room like I did two years ago, but it isn't quite ready for the big reveal. Heck, even when I finally show ya the room - I'm sure it will still not be completed. Anyone who has a house, KNOWS that there is ALWAYS a work in progress =)
My recent overhaul is our spare bathroom.
This is what it looked like the day we bought the house - Halloween 2011

This is what it looked like 2 weeks later =)

Seriously - we did pretty awesome! I absolutely love the spare bath.
But now it is looking a little plain-jane. It just needs a little SOMETHING.
Enter Dollar Tree! No seriously - the ONLY way I'm decorating is if it is NOT costing me an arm and a leg -and ESPECIALLY because of my aforementioned gene!
First - I hung the shower curtain...well not first - I did that MONTHS ago.
I used the shower curtain from the old house...yes we only had ONE shower.
I seriously wish I would have posted pictures of that house, if for no other reason to share the layout!
Anyhow - I did these little projects for some added decor for about $4
Seriously - $4! you really can't beat that!
Here they are - all done my moi last night:

Wine bottle
White flowers - left over from this project
small glass vase - used in our sand ceremony at our wedding
Valspar gold spray paint - already had for a different project that is still in the works...
greenery - Dollar Tree
Framed 8X10 mirror - Dollar Tree
glass 'beads' - left over from wedding centerpieces
jute/twine - hardware store: $2
I have some wall decor I made with the help of my Cricut E BUT I didn't get to hang them.
I'll show you the full tour of the bathroom tomorrow...hopefully =)
Thank you for all your support - whether you have recently discovered Life After the Aisle or you have been here since day 1! your love and support has been amazing and I look forward to continuing to share our life and projects =) Love love LOVE U!!!

Love it! And I love the way the bathroom turned out, the board and batten wall is so cute!!
I love how that project turned out.
Happy Blogiversary!
Looks great Ashley! And I am still in love with that wainscotting! Swoon!
I love it! turned out so good!
I still only have one shower, haha.
Happy Blogiversary!
Happy Blogiversary and LOVE the bathroom update :) Looks great!
Congrats on our blogiversary!! I like the bathroom makeover! :)
congrats on your two years blog-anniversary!
Wahoo! Happy Bloggiversary! :) Way to go on the bathroom makeover!
Your bathroom is awesome, you house is transformed! wow!!! And that mirror is so pretty, genius! :)
yay-happy blogiversary!
also-the bathroom is SOOO gorgeous!
kind of awesome?! you guys did awesome awesome! truly. we bought a fixer-upper and have done pretty much every room now ... I know how amazing (and exhausting) home improvements can be. you guys did great. and happy blogiversary, or bloganny or something like that.
Amazing how a little can go a long way!!! And yes, I do believe there is such a thing called the "decorating bug".. I have it bad! But I also have the "reading bug" too.. And the two do not mesh very well ;)
I absolutely LOVE the colors in the bathroom! I plan on using those colors for our future house.. That spa feeling.. <3
BTW, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!!! I can't believe how fast time flies!!!!
Happy blogversary!!
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