Happy Monday -- SHEESH!!! Where in the world did this weekend go?! I am already looking forward to this upcoming weekend -- yay for 3-days off!! And of course it's 4th of July! =)
I spent a lot of time with my husband this weekend which was amazing!
Saturday we went to the movies and saw:

Both of which I DEFINITELY recommend. I really was impressed with Tom Cruise in Knight and Day. It was a really good role for him and the movie was highly entertaining. Grown ups has to be one of the funniest movies I have seen. It wasn't vulgar humor either, which is always refreshing.
Saturday we went to the movies and saw:

Both of which I DEFINITELY recommend. I really was impressed with Tom Cruise in Knight and Day. It was a really good role for him and the movie was highly entertaining. Grown ups has to be one of the funniest movies I have seen. It wasn't vulgar humor either, which is always refreshing.
We also tried some new BBQ sauce, thanks to our friends, Jon and Katie. They hosted a cook-out sponsored by Bull's Eye. The sauces were really delicious on the chicken breasts we, well the husband lol, grilled for us. Our favorites were the Memphis and Kansas City flavors.
As promised, I finished my dress from last weekend. I hemmed it with a pretty stitch (that I didn't take pictures of). The shoulder straps tie together (which you can kind of see in that --> picture), the back zips up and has a unique design, with extra fabric that reminds me of something from the 50's. =) I really love the way it turned out -- a little retro but lots of fun! I am probably going to make another with different fabric or some sort of variation of the dress. It's really comfortable and wears really nicely!!
I had some extra material left over from the bag I made for my sister a couple weeks ago. She asked if I could make her something else - makeup bag, etc - to kind of match her big giant tote bag. This is what I came up with:
I really love the way it turned out and may make myself one but with a different color as the lining =)
I made another dress that I LOVE! It's purple (even though it looks blue) and has a paisley pattern of blues and greens at the bust. It's a variation of the floral dress I made a couple months ago. It's a fairly simple pattern and can be altered for different looks/patterns easily. I have figured out an easy way to make straps and am very excited!! I was worried that I would only be able to make strapless garments haha!!
I'm not crazy about this picture haha -- so I will probably have John take another tonight =)
I feel that my next venture may be a skirt but I haven't fully made that decision as of now. The skirt I want to make, I may attempt without the use of a pattern. We'll see how that goes =)
1 comment:
i cannot believe you make these dresses! i knew from PW that you made them but didn't realize to the extent. wow, i am blown away. i am also in love with that makeup bag!
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