So a year ago today, J and I were getting our wedding license!! I took pictures for you lovlies that I will share now =)
In other news, today is the last day I will have this Fabulous Freckle...

It is SO tiny isn't it?! I have had it for a while but I guess the color (DARK) and placement is cause for concern. It isn't anything as of now, but the doc suggested last Friday that I part ways with it as it could be a problem later in life. I have PROOF that I have had it since AT LEAST April 2007...provided here:

Have you ever tried to find a picture where you can see the 'inside' of your pinky finger?! I was highly entertained looking for this little freckle. Come to find out it HAS actually slowly gotten bigger has time has passed. All the more reason to remove it =) The doctor just HAPPENED to notice it last week when I was there for my sick visit. He said "you really ought to have that removed". Ok you are the doctor =) So I go tomorrow. It is a 5 minute procedure but I will definitely pout all morning and feign discomfort. Hey I will probably get a milkshake and LOTS of cuddles for it haha =)

Woohoo for your one year wedding license anniversary! and good luck with your surgery, I hope you make it ;)
Congrats dear on the paper anniversary.
awww, the good ole license pictures! makes me smile!
goodbye to the fab freckle ... it's a good thing!! :)
Good luck having your freckle removed! Definitely milk it for all it's worth! :)
Congrats on your wedding license anniversary! Good for you for taking care of the pesky freckle, I have to get checked out all the time because I have them everywhere!
So fun on your anniversary! I didn't even go pick mine up, my husband did. I just remember being SO nervous when he said he was on his way-ha.
Good luck on getting your freckle's not too painful.
Aw!! Looking back is so fun! Happy wedding license ann!! :)
awww, so sad to say goodbye to the freckle (i love all of mine!), but it probably is for the best!
LOVE the freckle, but not worth th concern! :)
I can't wait to get our marriages licenses! :) I'll be taking pictures too.
We go for our first cake taste today. I'm excited!
haha this is adorable!! i have a lil freckle on one of my toes and my parents used to say that's how they could always tell who i was in a line of babies lol
so long, freckle! but hey..if its concerning, then good you're getting rid of it!
xoxoxo you and your hubby are too freakin cute..i love it!
Having moles removed HURTS! I had 6 removed in high school all at once. I hope everything is ok with it though!!!
Ha! I love that you have a "wedding license" ani and pictures to commemorate it all! That is so cool :) Good luck with the freckle removal! It is nice to know that you have such a proactive doc :)
y'all are adorable!
I had one on my chest the size of a dime removed...same thing, 5 minute procedure. They froze the area. Its not bad at all, no big deal. Didn't feel a thing! They were worried about it too, they did a test on it after and it turns out it was fine. Better to be safe than sorry.
Awww I remember when we went to get our marriage license. I was so excited I filled it out all wrong!! Good luck with the mole removal, those are never fun :( But at least it's over quickly!
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