--I made an appointment to go to the doctor for tomorrow. While making said appointment, the lady scheduling asked what I have. Um, if I knew, I wouldn't be coming to the doctor, I would be going to the pharmacy.
--J and I are working on details for our first anniversary getaway. We WANTED to cruise but I haven't updated my passport yet =/ boo!!
--The first anniversary gift is supposed to be paper. I am going to ask for an updated passport haha! =)
--We have decided once we pay off my credit card debt, we are going to treat ourselves to a cruise vacation. I can't wait!! Now if only I could figure out a way to make more money to pay this debt off faster!
--We had intentions of off-shore fishing this weekend, but the seas for Saturday are 5-7 feet. no thanks! so I think, with me being sick, I will sleep and stay on the couch.
--Our group of friends has planned a group date for Valentine's Day. Hooray! Tentatively, we are going to Adobe Guillas and then going to see Just Go With It! I hope I am well (or better at least) by then.
--I am now not sure if I want the iPhone. My brother-in-law-to-be just bought the Fascinate last night. My mom said she wishes she would have gotten this phone instead of the iPhone. Anyone have suggestions?? I am available for upgrade the day after my birthday =)
--I am so happy tomorrow is Friday but today may end up being my Friday depending on how much I get finished at work and how I am feeling tomorrow.
-- I am very excited to start sharing our wedding photos through J & A Chronicles starting tomorrow!! YAY!
Have a great Thursday everyone! Please send positive health vibes my way if you get a moment. I am over this being sick thing!

Aw feel better! There is nothing worse than being sick on the weekend!
Off shore fishing with waves that night...like whoa.
I'm excited for the vday date...you're going to have to get better! Don't make me come over there! ;)
John just got an android phone and loves it. I hear that's the way to go now, although I still really do like my iPhone. His has a lot of neat features. You should go play with them and see if you like them. They do everything an iPhone does and more and I'm pretty sure they won't slow down later with update after update.
Feel better! I'm starting to come down with something so I know how you feel.
You should definitely treat yourself to a nice vacation once you pay off the debt. That's our plans as well!!
Yay for seeing your wedding pictures tomorrow! Can't wait!
Feel better! We are in the mist of planning our 1 year trip, too! So fun! A cruise sounds perfect!
I can't wait for the wedding pictures gorgeous girl. I am so sorry you are still sick!! Get the iphone...I love it. CRUISES are our favorite and I am so excited to hear more about your getaway! Have an amazing day and get feeling better!
Hope you feel better and a cruise sounds awesome, I love cruises! Can't wait to see pics!
Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well! Hopefully the doctor visit tomorrow will help!
Sorry you're not feeling better, I hate when I call the Dr's office and they ask what I have. Isn't it common sense that I don't? Maybe not...
YAYYY for wedding pictures starting tomorrow.
If you figure out a fast way to pay off some debt, please let me know! I could use some info on that too :)
awww, really hoping you get better soon!!
Lots of good health to you!
Have you heard of Dave Ramsey and his Debt Snowball? You should check out his book Total Money Makeover.
I want to go on a cruise so bad but we are Dave Ramseying it right now to pay off my husbands insane amount of student loan debt. I recently signed up to be a Vault Denim Fashion Consultant and have had really good luck with it so far.
Oh, and I stopped by because you commented on my blog today and I noticed your a follower. I have so few followers I decided to check you out. CUTE blog. And now I'm a follower of you.
Oh, and my MyTouch 4g(android phone) is ten shades of awesome. But I am anti Mac/Apple/Ipods fwiw.
Thanks for playing!!! I hope you feel better! :(
A cruise sounds like so much fun! It didn't take long at all for me to get a new passport after we got married. We gave ourselves plenty of time (like 4 months) and ended up getting it back in like 2 weeks. Crazy. It's worth a shot!
It is a samsung captivate....not fascinate.
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