I did it!! Saturday morning I went to the salon and I donated my hair.
I did a lot of research on the different companies who make real hair wigs for a cause. I heard that Locks of Love charges their recipients for the wigs. I also found out a lot of foundations throw away the hair that isn't long enough -- in situations where the donor has layered hair, like I do. I was very torn, I didn't want to cut all my hair off and then have it thrown out! No way, Jose! I kept looking around, doing my research, convinced that there HAD to a be a non-profit program that doesn't require TWELVE inches and can use all the hair I send them. Does such a organization even exist?!
It does: Pantene Beautiful Lengths
They use every piece of hair regardless if it is long enough for a wig or not. The shorter pieces they use in hair mats that help clean up oil spills. As far as I could tell, they do not sell or throw away any of the hair. AND they donate the wigs to their recipients.
I quickly made an appointment and then freaked a little haha. I text my friend Jess to see if she wanted to go with me to my appointment. THANK GOODNESS she did! I probably would have backed out! She was so supportive and excited for me and when I almost had a melt down after the first cut, she was there telling me how sassy and amazing I was going to look.
I think she took more than 8 inches, but it's ok. it will grow back and for a good cause.
As of now, my hair and I don't have a great relationship. I'm not LOVING it unfortunately. I have received tons of compliments on it from friends and family. My family has some of THE most honest people ever...so if they didn't like it or I looked a hot mess, I know for sure that they would tell me. It is going to take some getting use to.
The hair and I went on some outings trying to get accustomed to one another:
We mailed the donation to Pantene.

We went to Michael's with Jess and tried on funny visors.

We took a picture with The Husband.

We went for a run.

I styled it myself.

We went to the grocery store.

We made cupcakes

So what do you think?!
I don't know -- it has only been 2 days and I am a little sad that I hacked it all off. BUT, unlike some of the people who will be receiving donated hair, I can grow it back. My dad has always said "the difference between a bad haircut and a good haircut is about two weeks". Hopefully my hair and I start getting along. I do like it more since I have styled it myself. I really liked it Sunday, I'm not loving it that much today (Monday). We'll see how it is going in about two weeks.
How was your weekend? Do anything drastic?

Ahh it looks adorable!!!
I had also heard that about LoL--that they charge for their wigs. It sounds like you did a lot of research!
Awww hun, your hair looks good! I really like the short length on you. And I'm so glad you did your research! I used to work at a salon and our boss only donated to Locks of Love. But, they are sooo picky with the hair they recieve, ie no layers, no chemical processing. Anyway, many people would come in to donate their hair and we just wouldn't have the heart to tell them that their hair would just be thrown away. Way to go Pantene for not throwing away any donated hair!!!
Happy Monday!
Blogging Blondie
I love it Ashley! I think it looks really great! Also, I am jealous of your grocery shopping at Publix. I think it is the greatest store ever and I am in serious need of a 6in sub and some sweet tea! :)
I love it! I think it looks really great =) and you're so brave, I couldn't cut my hair off!
I ABSOFREAKINGLUTELYLOVEIT... And you have inspired me to continue to grow my hair out and then cut it all off and I will send it to the same foundation! I am with you... If I am going to work this hard to grow it all out and then hack it all off I want it to go to use... NOT BE THROWN AWAY! Duh... you really do look adorable/sexy/spunky... and it WILL grow back ;)
I think your dad gives great advice! That's very true what he said! And just like you said it WILL grow so it's not like your stuck with it FOREVER!!
I think your hair is really cute! :) I cut my hair off about 3 years ago and i am just now starting to grow it out! Have a great Monday!
That's how I felt when I chopped all mine off... It was hard to get used to for about a week, then I loved it!!! It looks great on you!
I think it looks GORGEOUS!! I love short hair like that. ANnd hey it looks long enough that you could get it into a little ponytail for your run? That's always good in my books haha
i think you pull it off AWESOMELY..and you are even more awesome because you donated it. That's the best part :)
love the haircut! super cute and you'll love it during the florida summer!
Your dad is so right! Love that quote. I do LIKE it on you :) very cute! You are BLESSED that you can both off both long and short haircuts :)
It looks great Ashley - you look so cute with short hair! I cut off only 5 inches off mine and it feels so short with that, I'm sure it feels a lot more drastic with 8 inches. But it's like you said, yours will grow out and you did it for a great cause. It just takes some time to get used to.
I think it looks great! It's for a great cause! I agree with your Dad's advice! Give it two weeks and you'll be sure to love it and be used to it! Plus you can always grow it back! :)
We had a tornado rip through our area, think that's drastic.. LOL...
Your hair, SUPER CUTE!
it looks really cute! New hair always takes a few days to get used to.
What a wonderful way to find a new blog to read! I love that you donated you hair and your new style is lovely!
From you new follower
That's so great that you donated it...and found the Pantene program. I've thought about doing it, but haven't had the guts yet, for some reason. My hair gets curly when it gets short, so it's ultra annoying, but it doesn't look like you get that problem.
Looks good, plus you can show off more earrings and necklaces now!!
Love love love!! I did the Locks of Love cut a few years back, and it took me FOREVER to get used to it :)
Thanks for stopping by today:)
Ok, yay you! Your hair looks so cute. That is so awesome. I love to hear when someone does this. Years ago, my son, yes son, lol, had LONG CURLS and we donated them. It wasn't long enough for LOL so we used someone else. For the life of me I can't remember, grrrr. (he was homeschooled at the time and we lived at the beach so it was "cool" ha)
I LOVE it! I never like my hair right after it gets cuts either...even if it's only a trim.
It looks amazing! So cute! And that's so great that you did your research on a good company! My cousin has cancer and got a wig, I wonder if it was from them?
I didn't do anything dramatic, but I am so proud of you for donating your hair! :)
i think it looks great! i also think you style it very well! give it a few more weeks ... you'll be loving it! :)
I think it looks great! Just think how cool it will be for the summer. I LOVE your dad's advice! I've always said it takes me about 2 weeks to learn how to truly do my hair after a drastic haircut. And thank you for educating us on Locks of Love and the alternative!
It looks precious! :) xoxo
I think it looks SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO good!!! :)
It looks AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know you don't see it "right now" but it will grow on you! I've cut my hair short sooo many times and every time I do it and leave the salon I ALWAYS regret it.. Thinking "WHAT DID I DO?!" But after a few days of playing with it, I fall more and more in love with it and I enjoy it!
You look phenomenal and soon you'll get there where you really enjoy it!
<3 <3 <3
Ahh, it looks super cute!!!
Dude. Ashley. It is SO FLIPPING CUTE! Holy cow you look AWESOME! I mean, I loved your long hair but wow this cute looks awesome on you!
I love your haircut!! AND, I love it more when I read about you donating it. You rock! :)
Gah, I starred this post FOREVER ago, but forgot to look back. Love the cute, it's adorable!
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