While traveling to and from Texas this weekend, I read Water for Elephants.

People have been raving about this book and I became very intrigued. I could not put it down. The more I read it, the more I agreed with the casting for the movie. They are who I would have cast for the main roles of Marlena (Witherspoon), Jacob (Pattinson <-- I am surprised that I agree with this lol) and August (Waltz).
And really, could she be any more beautiful?! I can't wait to go see this movie! I really hope it is as good as the book. I normally do not have any sort of positive expectations for movie interpretations of books but this one, it has potential to be just as great!
Did any of you read it?
What did you think?
Did you see the movie?
*All images found through goole

I loved the book and I really really need to go see the movie!
I have not read or seen the movie but I want to read the book before I see it in big screen!
I was in the same boat. Typically I hate movies that follow books because the movie is never as good and then it ruins the book for me. But the movie is pretty accurate and keeps up well with the book. I would definitely see it again!
The movie is great! There are a couple of different things, but nothing that changes the entire storyline like some other book-to-movie combos do. I recommend seeing the movie - you won't be disappointed :-)
Ooo, can I read the book??
I loved the movie just as much! :)
I have been wanting to read the book, but I've heard people raving about the movie but nothing about the book! Now I'm definitely going to have to read it!
The movie was great! It was really well done (for a movie, I haven't read the book) but it was hard to watch some of the animal cruelty that takes place. Really overall though, it was a great movie. I need to read the book!
I loved the book too and I can't wait to see the movie.
I LOVED this book! So good! I can't wait to see the movie! :)
SO--I was toying with the idea of book then movie (which I would usually do) or movie then book...a friend has offered to lend it to me but haven't started it yet...nonehteless we are planning to see it Saturday afternoon though so reading it prior to probably won't happen! haha...BUT--if you would like to see it with us you're more than welcome!!!
I really loved the book, but I'm holding off on seeing the movie. I just don't know if I can handle the animal abuse. Reading about it was hard enough!
I just started the book and am on page 50. I'm having a hard time getting into but I'm trying to stick with it. I haven't seen the movie, but the trailer interests me. Did you enjoy the book from the start?
I didn't think I was going to like the book but I loved it and I LOVED the movie too!
Read it a while back and it's still one of the best books I've ever read. I'm excited for the movie!!!
I read this book last year and I love love LOVED it! I was so excited when I heard they were making a movie!
I finally saw the movie last Saturday and loved it, too! They stayed pretty true to the book which is very rare. I was so happy with how they filmed it! You will love it!!
I'm currently reading the book and have about 50 pages left. I can't wait to see the movie either.
I need to pick up this book!! I need a new one and have only heard great things! I also heard the movie was great! Thanks for reminding me about this one!
I have been dying to read this! All of my veterinarian wife friends said it was amazing. I can't wait to see the movie either, but I've got to read it first! xoxo
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