I am SO SUPER busy at work!
I get there early and leave late. I'm swamped!
By the time I get home, I am SO tired, I am not doing anything except relaxing.
Except for last night - I baked 142 cupcakes

Actually I made 144 cupcakes - but The Husband thought he needed to taste test.
And yes, they were mini - not full sized. But still.
I made them to sell for Relay for Life.
My mom and sister each have a team, my sister is the Chair Person for the event.
Silly girl - she can't help but volunteer. She already has a lot on her plate...
but it is for a good cause. And I will go and support them! =) YAY!
I have no plans for the weekend other than helping with this event.
I'm hoping for a relaxing Sunday and maybe a crafty Saturday.
I know - how boring am I?!
But seriously - I have to have some down time where I am not stressed.
Work has me stressed to the max and I'm just exhausted.
On top of that silliness, I think I am getting sick =(
I plan on running 3-4 miles tonight at the relay in hopes of pushing it out of my system.
Oh and I am totally going back to get this watch:

I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since trying it on
and it is like 60% less than retail! I should have just gotten it yesterday...
but that isn't my style ;)
What are you getting into this weekend??

I am procastinating at work by reading blogs...I FEEL YOU on the work thing haha. LOVING those cupcakes and that watch!! xoxo Come make me cupcakes!!
I love your cupcakes! They look delicious!
yaknow, anytime you have extra cupcakes feel free to send them my way! and i LOVE that watch!
Just tagged you in an Instagram photo with a warning about Fossil watches :( I'm wearing mine today, and I just can't let you buy one without warning you. The stones ALWAYS fall out :( Fossil doesn't have a warranty on missing stones. I'd look at spending money on a Michael Kors before spending the reasonable price for a Fossil...
I'm such a Debbie Downer, I'm sorry :(
I miss doing Relay for Life! I used to do it in high school and even once in college - it's definitely a good time. And that's great you baked so many cupcakes - yum!
I hope you have a nice relaxing weekend.
I'm your newest follower :)
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