First things first -- I can NOT believe that it is already Wednesday!! Where has this week gone?! I have seriously had SO much going on at work and then the nights are lazy, hanging out/watching movies and it is time for bed. Wake up and repeat.
Last Friday night, I participated in Relay for Life.

My mom was a team captain and my sister was the chair person for the entire event.
The above picture was taken during the luminaria walk.It was incredible.
The event was a huge success and I clocked 4.5 miles while I was there.
Other than that - I worked on Saturday....I know! BOO!!!
I sound like a broken record "I'm SO busy"
it is true though - I think there is finally an end in sight!
Sunday The Husband and I spent the day watching movies and doing house chores.
We watched Unkown with Liam Neeson. Definitely didn't see that one coming!
We watched Friends with Benefits. I normally don't like Mila Kunis...
mostly because she was SO obnoxious in That 70's Show.
I LOVED her in this movie. Very funny!
The next movie we were going to watch is part of the Twilight saga.
It was the wrong movie =/ SO we have to wait to get the right one from Netflix.
In the meantime, we have Black Swan and Changeling to watch.
Last night, I hand crafted a couple items for the swap in which I am participating. I'm so so excited about the swap - a package filled with items of my favorite color?! YES PLEASE!!!
I am just so excited! I liked the items I am sending my partner Colletta so much that I made some for myself! I can't share here because I haven't sent out the package yet...AND she hasn't received it.
I would really like to go to the beach soon.
I want to fall asleep in the sun - I love napping outside!
Maybe I can talk The Husband into taking me out to the beach.
He can shore fish and I can nap or read a book =)
Sounds like the perfect day to me!
I think that catches you up on my week =)
Nothing overly exciting which is fine - sometimes we need to slow down!
I'm really looking forward to getting into the summer months
and planning outdoor excursions!
What is your favorite thing to do in the summer??

Huh, I think this week is absolutely dragging by. But that's because it's finals week, and my freedom of graduating awaits me on Saturday. ;)
napping ooutside seems lovely..too bad its 50 out here today!
I would love a good nap outside with a good book! Those are the best! I hope life slows down for you a little--it doesn't seem like it ever does though, does it?
Reading under a tree with a large cup of iced coffee or lemonade....ahhh, the life!
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