hey hey!!!
Last week The Husband decided he wanted to take a day off in the middle of the week to go fishing. He invited me to go along too. We found a groupon for a head boat (fishing charter that takes out between 70-100 people) and decided to buy one. The Husband decided he wanted to see how many people we could have in our group...so it became quite an ordeal.
Yesterday was the day we took off...that's right! We took a Wednesday off of work and decided to go off shore. Yes - it was quite random but i am SO happy we did it.
The Husband and I went, my sister and her husband, Marc and Christy, my daddy, my father in law and one of his friends...for those keeping count - that is NINE people total we had in our group to go fishing yesterday. NINE! The boat was filled to basically max capacity on a WEDNESDAY so I guess that means that a LOT of people had the same idea as we did.
Needless to say we had an absolute MARVELOUS time....we didn't catch a TON of keeper fish; in fact a good amount of fish caught by our group (and the boat) were fish that were under sized or out of season. I WRECKED the fish but it was such a fast pace for everyone that we only took pictures of ONE fish when we were actually on the boat...the rest of the pictures were taken in between fishing spots.

In addition to the fishing trip (which included breakfast AND lunch on the boat) we were also given $10 EACH in vouchers for the local bar and restaurant. Needless to say, after our day of fishing, we hit up the spot with $90 in vouchers and partied it up...probably a little more than we SHOULD have for a Wednesday but PEOPLE it was so much fun!!!! We ordered more beer than we should have and THE BEST. JALAPENO POPPERS. EVERRRRR!!! as in the ever - like the history of the world!!

Definitely the way we should be living it up on our Wednesdays =) .... I will say that making through my Thursday was a little ROUGH - especially this morning!! But my SUPER SWEET friend picked me up a DP (dr. pepper) to help get me through til lunch =)
I love days off with The Husband and family =)

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