Hey Y'all!!!! Sheesh! I can't believe we are ALREADY almost halfway through December!!! Where did November go?! To be honest, November was a pretty hectic month for me and mine. I am really in the Christmas spirit this year. We have our tree up - and I want to share it. BTW - you can check out the last two trees: 2010 and 2011
Two things:
1. I definitely need to take a better lit picture of our tree because these phone pictures below just DO NOT cut it!
2. this tree this year is SO much bigger! haha but no seriously - they are terrible!
We have finished all our Christmas shopping - that's right, we finished this past weekend. TWO WHOLE WEEKS before Christmas! I couldn't believe it! I am usually running around the week/weekend before to grab stuff last minute. Not this year! This girl has it all wrapped up (pun intended)
Today starts the season of gift giving in my life. I am SO amped! WOO!
Ok but for realsies, I HAD to have my gift shopping done by this past weekend. Here is why:
December 12 - Office Christmas Party
December 15 - gift exchange with sister and bro-in-law
December 16 - 3rd annual Christmas cookie exchange
December 19 - gift exchange with The Husband's grandma
December 19 - Christmas Party
December 21 - Gift exchange with my grandparents
December 24 - CHRISTMAS EVE!
December 25 - CHRISTMAS DAY!
We have started our decorating - OBVIOUSLY, but I am not completely finished. I know I know - There are only two more weeks left of Christmas!
Here is our tree before decorations PLUS a new tree skirt:


Now I am SURE you are thinking that there are a couple dark spots in the tree...yeah. I know. Here's the thing, we buy a real tree every year....OK for the past three years. but this is part of our tradition and because all tree are not created equal, we ran into the problem this year that the tree is fluffier than last year's lol whatever - it smells pretty and makes me happy =)

other than that - we have been busy every weekend and week days...this weekend won't be any different. I'm trying to keep up with things but this definitely takes a backseat to me enjoying life with my family and amazing husband!
Have you finished your Christmas shopping?
What are some of your traditions?
PS: stay tuned for pictures from my mom's birthday, recap of our office party, DIY projects, and of course - the long awaited Christmas poem =) It's about to get crazy in this mug! ;)

haven't finished my christmas shopping, definitely put up the tree, lights and ornaments and deep into my Christmas baking!
I hate to say it but you fell off my radar which is sad because you were one of my fav blogs, please do not disappear so long again! Merry christmas
You are one busy lady!
I always like to have my shopping done by now, but alas, that is not happening. We have 3 more gifts to buy but all just a matter of making time to go get them.
Stocking stuff is a different matter. ;)
You are going to be busy busy the next few weeks! So exciting!
Love your tree!
We have one more gift to buy and we're all set :) so exciting!
I've missed you in blog land!
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