Today I am sharing the Christmas poem that was sent out with my parent's Christmas card. My dad writes one every year - check out the past two years: 2011 and 2010
ENJOY! PS: it is much longer this year than it has been!
Oh no!!! What happened? How did Christmas get so near?
It should not be surprising---it’s
this time every year!
So once again I sit, with my Christmas
pen in hand,
To write about our year and share it
‘cross the land.
My favorite part of writing, remembering
people and places,
Sharing our past year and putting
smiles on faces;
So once again I’ll try, to highlight
this year’s stuff,
Enjoying it all with family, I just
can’t get enough.
Living in Orlando, we’ve finally found
our groove,
Though after 3 short years, we feel
like we should move!
But those moving days are over, in
Orlando we will stay,
And someday soon (we hope), with
grandkids we will play!
Our life has settled down, compared to
recent years,
But we really do not mind, as the
holiday season nears;
Some new things on the docket, of
which you now will read,
To the heart of this year’s prose,
this verse will now lead.
Phil had a quite a year, his dreams he
finally did reach,
He’s now at UCF, where they hired him
to teach!
He survived his first semester; he has
earned his Christmas break,
4 months with all those students, is
all that one can take!
He fills the role out nicely, the
students think he’s awesome,
Into a dynamic professor, we’re sure
that he will blossom;
The classes he is teaching, are
healthcare field related,
He has found a job he LOVES, and we
are all elated!
Donna, still our rock, keeps us sane
through all these things,
In the middle of the chaos, some
normalcy she brings;
Still employed by Homeland, she’s due
for a promotion,
She takes it all in stride, but I
cause a big commotion!
She too will reach a goal; she’s in
her own career,
A senior contract specialist,
something that we cheer;
For Donna and for Phil, came that dreaded
age Five Oh…
But we’re not concerned, it’s just a
number, you know?
John began the year, in a job he
didn’t like much;
He was working in a warehouse,
stocking shelves and such;
So a plan he put together, to change
his working life,
A plan that was supported, by his ever
loving wife.
one day in September, he took off with his plan,
Got all his things in order, he’s now
a self-employed man;
Some day he will reflect, that he
finally came to his senses,
He’s now doing his own thing,
landscaping and silt fences.
Ashley has become, a true redneck at
Her love of fishing and hunting, help
make up that part;
But at first
glance you’d think, that she was quite a yuppie,
And oh, no
baby news yet, just her and John and puppy!
She continues
to enjoy, her blog and D-I-Y,
Her and John,
so creative, there’s nothing they won’t try;
Around the
Home Depot, together they will roam,
To find the
next big project to make their house a home.
still teaching, but this year things have changed,
She redefined
her goals so, her schedule rearranged;
She decreased
her commitments; put some things upon the shelf,
She decided it
was time, to take care of herself.
She started
back to college, a goal that she had set,
So in a few
short years, a Masters she will get.
She is quite
the teacher, East River’s shining star,
Recently she rewarded
herself, and bought her first new car!
Doug too has
entered school, a Masters he is seeking;
His courses
are so tough, I get lost when he’s speaking!
Still writing
software code, his job is so intriguing,
Trying to
understand it, I find it quite fatiguing,
When not at
work or school, we try to go out fishing,
To catch that
monster fish, is what we both are wishing.
With Doug and
Jess in school, this break will be a breather,
And just so
you know, no baby news there either!
Our life is
still near perfect, with all the kids so near,
We really do
enjoy the time, we get with them each year!
So there you
have it all, our Christmas Rhyme this season,
that HE…yes HE is still the Reason!!!

I hope you and your family had a very Merry Christmas!!!!
This year is rapidly coming to a close - I can't wait to do my annual recap =)
How was your Christmas?
Did you send out Christmas cards?

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