Yay Yay! it's Friday!!!! Wooooo!!!!
I'm so excited to get this weekend going! The Husband and I are going to be building an end table for our living room and I get to do most of the work! I am really looking forward to figuring out how to make a piece of furniture instead of letting The Husband do it all. We officially designed the piece last night and figured out what materials we needed to buy. When I get off of work today, we are going to meet at the home improvement store for wood and stain! So excited! AND if time permits, I am going to finish my closet re-organization! So far it is going well, I just need a new nail polish rack...which we will DIY. It will be very similar to this but will go on the wall...my collection DOUBLED over the holidays!
This morning officially start Operation:Work Out again. I have taken some time off after my half marathon at the beginning of December because I have been having knee issues. BOOO!! I go to the doctor on Tuesday and will have it checked out but in the meantime I HAD to start doing something again. I feel so good after this mornings workout. Let's keep it up!
I found this really neat website/app for books - it is called goodreads.com. you can look up authors,books, genres, and create a 'shelf' of books you want to read. then when the time comes to read them, you can compare prices online and in stores...the site will tell you where the cheapest copy can be found! I have set a goal for 2013 - I want to read at least 30 books this year. I have book #1 picked out...now I just have to open it haha!
I want to add a custom clock to our gallery wall - I think it would add a lot! These are the two options I am tossing around:

The second example was the first I fell in love with but the problem is that The Husband and I don't have a picture together off set enough OR far enough from the camera...MAYBE I can talk him into a photo this weekend?! Just one before my seeester's birthday!
Tomorrow is this pretty lady's birthday! LOVE love LOVE my baby seester!! she makes my heart happy and puts a smile on my face..don't mess with her or I'll come for ya! =)

More on that Monday!
Have a wonderful weekend y'all!
Do you have big plans??

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