Yesterday Ruger turned 3!! I can't believe we have had him for almost 3 years...June 15th is the best estimate for his birthday. We rescued him when he was eight weeks - so it is close.
August 10, 2008 -- we picked him up at a rescue shelter
August 10, 2008 -- we picked him up at a rescue shelter

Normally I buy him some Frosty Paws. However, since we have been so busy going out looking at houses and with J being in and out so often for work, I decided to make him some special treats.
I found a dog cake and frosting recipe via google.

1 cup white or whole wheat flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 cup peanut butter
1/4 cup vegetable oil
1 tsp vanilla
1/3 cup honey
1 egg
1 egg
Preheat oven to 350°F (180°C)
Mix together flour and baking soda. Add remaining ingredients and mix well. Pour into a ring mold sprayed with a nonstick spray for 40 minutes.

Combine the following ingredients and blend thoroughly:
12 ounces nonfat cream cheese (room temperature)
3 tsp cinnamon
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp honey

I know he is well trained because he wouldn't eat the cupcake treat off a plate even though the plate was on the floor and I kept telling him "Good Boy get your treat!" He just barked at it and laid down haha

SOOO We took it off the plate and he flipped it over lol

I gave him a little bit of time to digest before we went running an hour later -- he was a happy pup =)
This is the face I get when he wants to be let out or while he is waiting for me to take him for a run

Happy Birthday Ruger (yesterday)!!
Do you do anything special for your furbaby on their birthday?

Ruger is the cutest dog ever! What a sweetie! He was such an adorable puppy too! Sometimes I wish we could make them small again! I love that you made him cupcakes! Adorable! Happy Birthday Ruger!
Oh mylanta how sweet is that?! I LOVE LOVE LOVE all the pics!!! Too cute ;)
Happy birthday Ruger! I was cracking up at the picture of him laying down nest to his cupcake! Haha! So well trained! Dixie also loves Frosty Paws ice cream! She actually had some last night while I had Rita's with my Dad!
That's one well mannered pooch for not eating off the plate even if mommy said it was okay LOL! So cute!!! :)
SO cute! He has all the same moves as Cruz! ha. Love all the pictures! Happy Birthday!!
so cute! how funny that he wouldn't eat it at first, VERY well trained!
Awe, he's so big and beautiful! I wish my dog was that well trained, she'd have been all over eating it on the plate :)
I love love love the pictures of him laying on the floor staring at the plate! So cute!
My dog does the same thing when he wants to go for a walk! He goes and sits by the garage door (where I keep his leash and we leave the house from) and just stares at me until I agree to get up and take him. :)
Ruger is adorable!!
I feel bad now I have never really celebrated my dog's birthday. I do know that I couldn't make him anything special because he has such a very sensitive stomach. He can only eat Purina Sensitive Systems and can only have specific treats.
Hope you are having a great day!! :)
Happy birthday to Ruger! Rocky is 3 too :) almost 4 though. He is adorable!
Aww!! Happy birthday Ruger!! :)
aw i love him!!
Oh your puppy is so cute!!! And that puppy cake recipe? Yeah, I'm printing it off as we speak :-)
Happy Thursday Dear! xo
Awww!!! Happy Birthday Ruger!! :)
That is too funny how he reacted to when you gave it to him on a plate - what a good boy! I love the idea of making him a cake.
We gave Sammy one of his ice cream treats on his supposed birthday. We also don't know his official birthday since we rescued him but the vet said mid-February, so we say Valentine's Day. haha I should make him one of those cake treats though because he always gets an ice cream treat each week.
That is too cute! We definitely spoil our pup
aww how cute! happy birthday! im going to have to make those pupcakes for my little guys
Happy Birthday Ruger! I'm bookmarking this post- Oscar and Grace would LOVE to have a cupcake!
Happy Birthday to Ruger! :) Those cupcakes look divine...I'll have to save the recipe for Dudley! :)
Happy Birthday Ruger! It's so cute that he wouldn't take the cupcake off the plate. We skipped our girl's last birthday but this year I think we need to make her a cake & that recipe sounds like it's great!
So cute! Happy Birthday to Roger! :)
So very sweet!!
Happy Birthday to your Ruger!
soooo cuttteeee!!!
So very cute!! Happy birthday to Ruger. That's awesome you made him homemade treats!
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