Thank goodness it is FINALLY Friday! UGH! My days have flown by but I feel like the week has been dragging on and on! I am very excited about going to look at homes tomorrow too so I'm a little antsy for the weekend.
I am so very fortunate to have an amazing group of friends. I know I have talked about this in the past Here and probably in several other posts, and how lucky I am to have such an amazing support system. I am going to talk about it again. I probably hold on to that so tightly because, honestly, growing up and even in college I only had a handful of friends -- literally like 2 at a time. I don't know why -- I think I am likeable, but that is neither here nor there. =)
I truly value the friendships I have made since stepping out into the world. Our group isn't huge and I do have a few friends outside this main circle of people. The people that I chose to have in my life show one another so much love and compassion. They are there for one another at their worst and brattiest. That is so much more important -- it isn't enough to support someone when they are bright and shiny; they have to support you in the hard and stuggling times. I know that if I ever needed anything while J was away, I could call any of these friends. Heck, I have even had some of my girl friends offer to spend the night with me so I am not alone! How sweet is that?! =)
I won't show you old pictures that you have already seen is so many of my other posts. I am going to share a new reason why my love for my friends is going strong.
Our friends, Shaun and Katie, are getting married on Monday downtown with friends and family. They aren't doing anything big -- they will travel to the beach to take all their photos. They decided to do this pretty recently in lieu of a big wedding (they have been engaged about a year and dating for several). We are all thrilled for them but they would miss out on the rights of passage -- bridal shower, bachelor/ette parties. SO while Shaun went out of town for his bachelor party, the girls got together and planned a surprise bachelorette party for last night! Some of us couldn't make it but we had a lot of fun with the handful of girls that were able to be there. Katie was very happy and VERY surprised!
We showed up at Katie's house with gifts and bachelorette paraphenalia:

We went to Moe's for dinner -- YUM! =)

The main event was The Melting Pot for dessert. Can I just tell you that dessert there is RIDICULOUS! YUMMY! I LOVE that place. Chocolate Fondu is seriously a gift from God!! It is so so good! I could eat fondue EVERY. DAY.

It was so much fun being a part of a surprise bachelorette party -- especially since Katie had NO idea! Great job getting it all set up, Christy! =)
Hold on to the good people in your life -- don't let the lame ones bring you down. Clean out your proverbial friend drawer and make sure it is only filled with quality people. Seriously in cases like these, it is more important that you have quality over quantity.
Well I am off to catch up on some stuff a little -- I am trying to stay motivated today, especially since I would much rather be at home with J.
Have you ever been a part of a surprise party?

so fun! that's funny because I was just looking at pictures from my "girls weekend/bach party" thinking how much I missed my friends and how lucky I am to have them...
I'm sure I've been a part of a surprise party but of course now I cant think of any!
Ashley, looks like a fun time! I agree good friends are priceless and necessary. Melting Pot= yummy!!!
Have a great weekend.
Found you through Whitney and giggled right when I landed on your page that you are my neighbor, well what I mean is obviously we live in the same city! So fun to read local bloggers. I am not sure if anywhere in your blog it says where you live but I will just reference I am an appraiser so I totally recognized the house pictures! Congrats on looking I hope you find a great home and I look forward to catching up on your blog!
Oooooh I LOVE the melting pot. The thought of it is making me hungry!
That's so great that you guys did that.
My involvement in a surprise party was I was the one it was thrown for...
Yay for good friends, Moe's, and fondue... my favorite things!
Hope you find an amazing place today!
You are so lucky to have a great support system, like you said. Sometimes it's not the quantity of friends, but the quality of friendship ;) What an amazing & fun bachelorette party!
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