I'm linking up with lowercase letters for another edition of:
I can't believe the weekend is already over. I had a wonderful weekend, I did, but it flew by in a flash. It is shocking to think that Monday is already here. I'm not ready to be out of bed; furthermore, I am not ready to be working. oh well; I'll get over it! =)
Thank you for all the crossed fingers/toes, positive vibes and prayers regarding our offer on the home. The seller went with a lower, cash offer. J made a good point that perhaps they knew the buyer as they went against their agent's advice. I was bummed but when we hadn't heard by Friday afternoon, I was fairly certain that we weren't the 'winners' of the contract.
We ended up placing an offer on another house last night. The land for this one is much better and we really like the layout. Land is a little important for us as J has a lot of boy toys that we currently keep at our home. We didn't want to have to pay to store any of it but were (shockingly) willing to make that sacrifice if needed for the home we placed an offer on last week.
This home does not require that sacrifice -- it is nice and spacious, and while the master is a little smaller than we hoped, it is still bigger than what we are in. There are several upgrades to the home and it mainly requires painting. This house is definitely better suited for us and our needs so hopefully.....
We should hear back by Wednesday, so if you could spare a moment, we could use the thoughts/vibes/prayers again. Y'all Rock!
I was a craft-a-holic this weekend. I am so antsy to share with y'all the projects I have been working on, but, alas, I can not. I must wait until after next weekend. Yes, all the projects are part of my sister's shower. I can't wait to show you some of the fun stuff! J even helped this weekend...he is much craftier than I have ever given him credit for being.
I have felt very stressed for the past few months. It is starting to wear on me. =/ I have been working out more and crafting, because those are the things that usually help with my stress levels. For some reason, this go-round, those things aren't helping. Any tips? I know I (and J) would be very appreciative of any ideas. I'm willing to try just about anything haha.
I'm also annoyed. There is an associate who is supposed to be helping line up all our 'ducks' to sell the current house in which we live, however she SUCKS at response. She never returns my emails or calls. Last week she FINALLY called me and since then I haven't heard back from her regarding whether or not she needs additional information or if she acquired any new information from J's lender. This woman is NOT helping with my stress level. I think I am going to have to get tough and get another person assigned to J's sale...
I am looking forward to picking out paint colors and light fixtures. I may wander into Lowe's at lunch and looko at paint cards. I have an idea of what I want in whatever house we buy, maybe the uncertainty of it all right now is what is weighing me down a little. I'm hoping if I pick out some paint colors, that will help me out and put one of the hundreds of thoughts/ideas out of my mind -- I mean, that WOULD be one less thing to think about! I'll share the colors when I narrow them down =)
My baby sister's bridal shower/bachelorette party weekend is in two weeks! I can't believe she will be getting married in about SEVEN WEEKS! I am so happy for her and love that she has found someone to be her best friend and spend the rest of her life with -- Douggie-Fresh is pretty awesome =)
I got my Summer Blog Swap package on Thursday...I think it was Thursday haha!! I haven't uploaded pictures of it yet but it is SO cute! My partner was Allison over at WWMSD: What Would Martha Stewart Do? It consisted of all the items needed to have a fun summer lemonade mixer: Key lime lemonade mix, summer-y pitcher/glass set and cute pink plastic ice cubes!! I love it and it is so cute! PLUS She sent me some pink shot glasses...AMAZING. Check her out here.
I just got a call from our realtor, who spoke with the agent regarding the home we placed an offer on and he told her that we are the only contract they have. YAY! He also told her that the reason the home went BACK on the market is because the previous buyer didn't work out. AND all the inspections were good...no structural damage of any kind. So far so good! YAY GOOD NEWS! =)
Alright -- I think that does it for now...I may be posting less this week OR you will get a lot of brain dumps. Hang in there for me -- I could definitely use a little guidance, thoughts, advice, kick in the butt...help a sist-ah out! =) Happy Monday Y'all -- here's to a swift and painless week!

Your just too cute!!! I am praying for you and the Hubby that you get this house! Sounds wonderful... So much exciting stuff coming up for you ;)
I'm sorry to hear about the first house, but I'll bet the second one will be even more than the first :)
And I could spend HOURS inside of Lowe's looking at paint chips and fixtures and lighting ... and I don't even have anything to decorate!
So much going on for y'all! Maybe this house will work out :) Keeping y'all in my prayers! xoxo
Sending prayers that everything works out with the house! Keep us updated!
Crossing my fingers for you on the home front!
sending you well wishes that everything goes well with this house and that your stress levels decrease a bit.
i know that looking at paint colors is sure to lessen the stress! :0)
Fingers crossed for good news on the house!!
Holy wow, lots going on! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you get this house!
wow - i'd be super stressed!! thinking peaceful and stress free thoughts for you :)
I'm so sorry about the first house, but this one now sounds like the perfect fit! I am definitely thinking about y'all!!!
I gave you an award over on my blog!
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