We have been living on our own (together) for four years now. I am honestly shocked at that revelation. I always worried that when I lived alone with someone, conversation would eventually be forced. I mean what in the world could we talk about every single day?! It wasn't just J that I worried about this -- I always worried that conversation would run out with whomever I was with. We don't have that problem - we always have something to talk about =)
We still manage to surprise one another and plan little happiness-es whenever possible - whether it is as simple as picking up the other person's favorite treat on the way home or cooking a new recipe and having it ready when the other person gets home.
We share secrets and laughter. We spend time in bed when we get home from work and we talk about our day. We eliminate the world for a few moments, just so we have no other distractions. We constantly discuss the upcoming move and our plans for the house. We continue to discuss the design and layouts of the rooms. We talk about the floor -- where one type should stop and the next stop. We talk about the upcoming holidays and whether we want to begin a new tradition at the new house. We discuss the future both tomorrow and years from now.
I am sure it is nauseating to some how often J and I talk or that we would rather spend time together than anything else. We are very affectionate and we cuddle - a lot. as in, all. the. time. Even when we sleep! We just can't get enough of each other. Even though we have taken some heat from friends who have harassed us for our constant displays of affection, I hope the feelings we have never goes away.
Have you ever come home to a cooked meal and a clean house?
What does your significant other like to do to surprise you?

Such a sweet post! Dub used to always bring me Starbucks in the morning when I worked close to his office. Everyone would always give me crap for it, but I felt so loved. We are also very affectionate and people tease us for it, but we don't care. You mentioned that you and J cuddle even when you sleep...so do we! Haha! Everyone always comments about how they would get so hot and they need their space at night. Not us! We cuddle all night long and I love it!
Love this! My husband and I love spending time together too...And I love it when he cooks dinner, or does little chores around the house (which he does quite often). Yay for great husbands!
I am spoiled... I am actually on the other side of this... Kevin works from 4:30 to 3:00 and I typically don't get home until 6... I am a lucky girl that gets cooked for every.single.day =) He does spoil me with flowers, the house getting cleaned, etc. though and that is nice! We get harped on ALL.THE.TIME. too for our affection towards one another! I hate it but at the same time 10 years from now when we are still happy and those people are not... well!!!
aw this is so nice! The hubs cooked for me too last night..but he needs a little bit more guidance like "this is how you do this..." etc etc hahah he's working on it! :)
SO sweet, girl!! What a great guy J is :) Glad you have no fear wih PDA...I can respect that!
That is so awesome! I love how y'all shut the world out for Husband & Wife time. I think that is very important in a relationship. J seems pretty awesome!
so sweet, love this post!
and in unrelated news, now I want potatoes haha!
This is so cute! :)
so sweet! :)
New follower over from http://arielle-ellesentries.blogspot.com/
That is sooo sweet! :)
sounds like you guys have a wonderful marriage! i love being around people who are so in love.
Sam @ fitness food & faith
love this post! i feel the same way! :)
He doesn't make big gestures, like the big dinner. He picks me wild flowers. He also knows I like these german gummi bears so he'll buy them, and then hide them somewhere like under my pillow. He also will buy me a book on a subject I'm interested in, or if there's a specific one I want...just as a surprise. One thing he does do is ALWAYS thanks me for dinner by coming up behind me to give me a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He always makes sure I know that he appreciates it. These are the things I hope never stop!
That is so sweet! Love this! :)
It really is the simplest things that we tend to enjoy more...
I've had the same worries about what if and when will the "newly wed" phase rub off. We're the same way, love spending time together and hate spending it apart. I hope that never goes away!
I've never come home to a dinner but I have come home a clean house a few times and has brought home lots of treats for me. It's the nicest feeling to be able to relax when you get in the door. That's nice that your hubby did that for you. You guys seem great together.
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