After we had the curbing installed, J and I started talking about what kinds of plants we would add to make the outside look well kept and happy =) Yesterday I needed a little sunshine, so at lunch, I went to the Lowe's down the street from my office. It was exactly what I needed! All the flowers in the garden center are in bloom. It is bright and colorful and just happy. =) SO I had to take pictures to get me through the rest of the week AND to share ideas with J since he was at work on the other side of town!

We have decided that we need low maintenance plant life. J does some landscaping on the weekends, so he is feeling like the last thing he wants to do is have to spend LOTS of time on our yard. I agree -- I'm not really the gardening type...well not yet anyhow =)

I LOVE these plants - They are called Bromeliads. I love how vibrant they are and it is kind of a bush plant without being bushy! I'm hoping we get one or two of these to add a little flair to the front yard.

I'm not really the flower type but I LOVED all the blooms!! These were eye catching because they are a little more unique than your typical geraniums. AND they are really colorful! But really - everything there was intensely vibrant and colorful =) Even the greens were VERY green! =)

We found out the other night that Peonies survive well in Florida. I'm so thrilled about that because I think they are beautiful flowers! The Chinese Peony is a survivor in FL =) LOVE them! (pictures of peonies found via google)

This weekend J and I are going to a couple plant nurseries to get a better idea of what exactly we want. I'm really excited to spend a lot of time with him this weekend. We have had a TON going on and this past weekend I barely spent time with him. He helped with the curbing on Saturday morning and then when we fish - well he gets into his Fish Whisperer mode. THEN on Sunday he had his yards to do and then the Super Bowl. SO I'm looking forward to hanging out and reconnecting =) YAY!
What are your plans?
Do you enjoy gardening?

Such pretty flowers! Oh I wish our snow would leave!! ha
Ahh your post is making me want to be in summer!!!
I love flowers!
Those flowers are gorgeous! And in February? Lucky :)
I wish we could see flowers in Feb in Indiana! I miss that about Florida! We planed TONS of bulbs last fall so I amxious to see the tulips popping up here as soon as the ground thaws out!
Gorgeous flowers! I can't wait until we have a yard and can plant flowers :) Can't wait to see yours when you finish!
SO weird that you are looking at flowers for your garden in FEBRUARY!! We still get snow in April, and occasionally in May!
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