Happy Leap Year .... Day...Awkward lol...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE to read! I have read for entertainment purposes for as long as I can remember. When I was in grade school, my friend Megan and I use to swap The Baby Sitters Club books. Then I got into Goosebumps which led me to the Fear Street series. Once I entered high school, my mom started letting me read 'adult' books and since then, we have always swapped books. I am so obsessed with reading that one time in college, I bought my mom a book for her birthday but I read it before I gave it to her. She would have never known except I thought it was a little funny so I told her. Note: it takes me about 2 days to read a book when I had lots of time between classes and was on duty as an RA.
I have been following a series since my sophomore year of high school by author Iris Johansen. It is the Eve Duncan series. Her first book in the series was written in 1998 - I didn't get my hands on it until probably 2000/2001 - ish. My mom and I have been borderline obsessed with this series since then. Every time the next book in the series comes out, we buy it and then one of us reads it and passes it to the other. She FINALLY wrote the last book in the series and I just started it yesterday on my lunch break. I am about half way through already. I can hardly put it down. This month I read the previous two books in the series: Eve and Joe. I am glad the story will finally be resolved but I am sad that the series is ending - it is definitely bittersweet!
If you want something a little more light-hearted, I definitely recommend The Little Lady Agency series by Hester Brown. I love her style of writing - I would love for her to write something new (btw after that series she wrote Finishing Touches which I also recommend =) ).
My next reading on my list is The Hunger Games. I didn't know much about them but I knew a lot of people who really enjoyed the books. well I hate to even say what has spurred me to rad them....I saw a movie trailer and thought it looked different from a lot of other things I have read.
Where do you get your book recommendations?
What are you currently reading?
I would LOVE to get your recommendations for a book =) I'm open to all sorts of genres!

You are going to LOVE The Hunger Games!! I need some recommendations too..
I am currently reading the second book in the hunger game series and LOVE them :) I am really random with what i read, i just like to ask people :) Happy Leap Day and Wednesday!
I just read the Hunger Games this month. They were so good. I could not put them down, and now I'm insisting that Mister read at least the first book before the movie comes out next month.
I've never read the Hunger Games, but I have heard good things about them. If you're looking for something less trendy (I feel weird writing that word in relation to a book...but it's true, right?!?!), I would recommend The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger, House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski, The Mercy of Thin Air by Roslyn Domingue, and Special Topics in Calamity Physics by Marisha Pessl. Just a few of my current favorites!
I am a readaholic. I read EVERY SINGLE DAY. I can not fall asleep without reading unless i pass out.
I haven't read all the eve duncan series but i like the books. I just finished "Bonnie" title caught my eye cause it is my name. I have read a few.
My fav though is the alex cross series by james patterson.
I really enjoyed The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. I also just discovered a mystery series where the detective is an 11 year old girl named Flavia de Luce. The first book in the series is called The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. I actually read the most recent book first...I Am Half-Sick of Shadows, but am planning on going back and reading them in order. I found your blog through Mamarazzi, I'm enjoying it!
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