One of the projects we got into this weekend was a master closet
I LOVE that we ACTUALLY have a master closet – like a REAL one. Seriously
– I wish I had a picture of the two tiniest master bedroom closets EVER. I
honestly don’t know how we stored all our clothes…oh wait, yes I do. They. Were.
So we were ECSTATIC beyond belief when we found that most every house
we checked out had a WALK-IN CLOSET!!! Wha – Whaaatt?! Seriously – you will
never know the true extent of my excitement!
SO anywho – we ended up at our awesome house and knew we would probably
want to put in more shelving in the closet. The Husband and I have a lot of
clothes…I think he has more than me! shsshhhhh!!
We spent a TON of mullah getting the rest of the house together so we
knew this project, although fairly inexpensive, would have to wait. Well kids –
the wait was FINALLY over this past weekend! We went out and bought some more
wiring racks…actually we only needed one because of the way the closet was
ORIGINALLY set up by the builder.

Reason I needed a shoe rack: the shelf in the above picture was stacked with shoe boxes at LEAST four boxes high. It looked cluttered and honestly I forgot which shoes I had so I just went to the easy ones I was use to wearing. What a WASTE! Especially when I have so many!!

Don't worry - after the Spackle dried, we painted over the spots to match. =)

In addition to making the closet more user friendly, The Husband wanted
to make a shoe rack/shelf thing. Since we were at Lowe’s we decided to go ahead
and buy the materials for it; we were ‘overhauling’ the closet anyway!
We bought some pressed wood/MDF to build the shoe rack. It is inexpensive and easy to mess with AND since I was going to be painting it - we didn't need any sort of fancy wood grain for staining. I painted the shelves green because I have a great green light idea for the closet...but I haven't gotten to it yet

If you decide to attempt this project - I HIGHLY recommend getting some inexpensive trim to add to the back of each shelf so you can catch the heel on it and the shoes won't slide off!

Tonight - I am hoping to find a before picture of the closet so you can see how unorganized it seemed. I am so happy with our new closet organization and now our clothes aren't smooshed and won't wrinkle against one another =) I also LOVE that I can see all my shoes!! Seriously, I found a pair in its box that I thought I had gotten ridden - NOPE! They are still in my possession! SO excited - I am pretty sure I squealed when I found them again! And can you believe The Husband rolled his eyes at me when I told him I need a pair of closed toe gray shoes?! The nerve ;)
Since taking this picture, we have added a bar across the top, over the shoe shelf to hang my boots. I don't have all the details on how I will hang my boots - or what type of mechanism we'll use but I'm still excited =)

LOVE! :) Your shoes look great in their new home!
Wow! It turned out amazing! I love, love, love your shoe storage! There is nothing better than a nice, big, organized closet!
I have seriously got to copy you on this shoe rack when I move into my house!! I have something on the back of my door and a few shelves in my closet but it's still not enough! I definitely need something massive & pretty like this. LOVEEEE! Thanks for sharing!
Girlfriend you are hitting Carrie Bradshaw status with the shoes! :) I ain't mad at it!
Try hanging boots with hanging clips or pants hangers..and stuff with newspapers or plastic bags to keep the shape! That's what I do, anyways!
We paid a lot of money to have ours done. No regrets! But I think it's cool you did it yourself and prob saved a lot of money.
JEALOUS!!! you have so many shoes, my feet can't handle heels, just wedge sandals :(
That's the one thing I would change about our house-no master walk in. We have a long wall closet, which is fine, but walk ins are just to die for. I love that hubby made you a shoe rack! I see why you married him. ;-)
I love that shoe rack! And I love that your hubby made if for you, mine only gives me a hard time over the shoes I do have...which are not near to what you have. So therefore....I should buy more!!!
I need need need your shoe rack!!! So awesome!
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