so I have hit a wall =/ a little bit all the way around.
It sucks.
I feel happy - I have good vibes going but I am also feeling like I'm in a rut. It is REALLY ridiculous. Maybe I'm feeling burnt out. Seriously - in the past four months, i think I have taken a FULL lunch break at work MAYBE 10 times! I need some me time!!! Maybe I'm just tired of doing something all. the. time. or maybe it is that I'm tired of doing all the things everyone else wants to do. I want to do things that I want to do.
Thankfully - The Husband and I have a FOUR DAY weekend together! We have talked a lot about what we will do...we have A LOT on our list. Some involves relaxing; other ideas are a couple house projects we want to do; and other ideas involve movies or outside events =) I'm really looking forward to this weekend and just taking time for ourselves.
I'm hoping when I get back to the grind on Wednesday, I will be back in full force and feeling a bit less burnt out. I'm not feeling stress - I'm passed stress; I was so overwhelmed earlier this week that I've completely cleared that feeling and almost feel indifferent about things; that is NEVER good. Just sayin' =)
If the weather stays nice, I'm wanting some time on the lake, maybe a picnic, we are also considering going tubing on Monday or Tuesday - when most everyone is at work =) AND of course - I am trying to talk The Husband into going to see Hunger Games Monday or Tuesday during the day. We'll see. I'll have a recap of anything we do AND I can't wait to share some of our projects: a couple we have wanted to do for weeks, another is sort of something I came up with in the last week or two =)
Btw - I was looking through my recent pins, and I am TOTALLY obsessed with cupcakes!
click on the pictures for the recipe =)
What are you getting into this weekend?
Did you see Hunger Games? -- send me to your review =)

Hopefully the long weekend with the hubs will help brighten your mood! :) Those cupcakes look YUMMY!!!
Those chocolate chip cookie dough cupcakes look DELISH!!!!!!! You need to relax and regroup this weekend. xoxo
Those cupckaes looks amazing!!! I am now following you on Pinterest!! ;)
Aw i hope you had a great recharging weekend!
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