I'm LOVING my wonderful swap partner - Aubrey -- go check out her blog. In case you aren't familiar, the swap is for My Favorite Things - I sent HER some of MY favorite things and she did the same for me. Check out last night's post on what she sent me - LOVE all of it! WOOO!
I am Loving Baby Lips by maybelline - it was in my swap package....

I'm Loving my new hair dryer! My parents bought me one for my birthday - which isn't for another month - but they love love love me =) and spoil me maybe a little =) Anyhow - I did a lot of research and picked:

I'm Loving the ideas that I am coming up with for my birthday. Yes it is a month away but it is never to early to start brainstorming and coming up with an invitation =) MUST remember to put my name on the invitations this year lol =)
I'm loving that at the end of March, The Husband and I decided to take some time off of work and have a 4 day weekend together! which brings me to my next love...
I'm Loving (and I'm shocked) and that NEXT week we will celebrate our SECOND anniversary!
I'm Loving that we are doing Strawberry Fest 2012 this weekend!
I'm loving my amazing husband; I love him more and more each day. He is so good to me and such an amazing man.

What are you loving?
Don't forget to link up here!

Whyyyy do I always miss out on swaps? I want to do the next one!
The strawberry fest sounds like SO much fun! Can't wait to read about it :)
My friend got me that Maybelline stuff but I haven't tried it yet - I'm a big fan of Burts Bees so that's what I'm using. I've heard lots of good things about it so I'm planning on trying it out when mine runs out.
MMMMMMM STRAWBERRYS! I ordered a flat and cannot wait to get my hands on mine so I can freeze them and make some smoothies!! whoooohooo!!
How is it your 2nd anniversary already?! Time flies!!
That Baby Lips looks awesome, I love peppermint scented things! :)
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