Friday night, I settled on the couch to start reading The Hunger Games. My parents and my sister have read it and my very sweet friend, Christina, had read it. PLUS a lot of y'all out there and everyone I have talked to have really enjoyed the book/series. I thought I would only get a little reading in because it was already 9:30 when I started reading. Well, several hours and a couple cat naps later, I finished the book!! I was up so so late to read it but it was well worth it. I wanted to immediately jump into reading the next book but I knew I needed some sleep.
I watched a trailer for The Hunger Games....I am really loving the cast. I told my mom that I kept thinking for President Snow as Donald Sutherland....that was when I found out that was who was cast for THAT role. How weird and awesome am I?!
I didn't really celebrate St. Patrick's Day. I don't recall EVER having celebrated it. A few girls, my mom, and I went to a local Mexican restaurant for dinner and I had a green margarita...does that count?!
I am very much looking forward to this coming weekend. I know. I know. It is ONLY just Monday. I can't help it. The Husband and I have taken off next Monday and Tuesday to have a little stay-cation in celebration of our recent wedding anniversary!
There are several projects I am trying to convince The Husband to tackle with me. One has already been achieved and we will do it on Friday. We have a HUGE wall in our living room with the sliding glass door on it....

I also want to re-do our master closet. It is decently sized - however, the space is not utilized well
We are going to frost a glass door to the back yard. I can't figure out how to decorate the door so instead I am going to cut out some vinyl with my cricut and frost the glass. We are also going to do this to the side windows next to the front door and add a peep hole to the door. so excited =)
this is our forecast for the week
TodayMar 19 | Tue20 | Wed21 | Thu22 | Fri23 |
Details | Details | Details | Details | Next 5 Days |
Dear Florida - it is still March. I am not ready to sweat all day every day. Could you please take the temperatures down a notch?! The ONLY happy thing is all the sunshine...but we are getting into the rainy season so the sun will be less available =/
We had a VERY mild winter here so I am positive the summer is going to be VERY HOT! blech!
I think that is all for me - sorry I don't have more exciting things going on haha! Happy Monday!
Don't forget to link up =)

The Hunger Games is an AMAZING series! I read all 3 books in 4 days, couldn't put it down!
We don't celebrate St Patrick's Day much either! I had a sip of a Guinness followed by a glass of wine, but that was about it! Ha! Love all the home projects you're planning! I'm trying to persuade S to help me with some home projects too right now!
Just stumbled upon your blog & so glad I did- I had to tell you when I was reading your "about me" section I was thinking heyyy that's me muliple times!!! You are adorable, love your wedding photos! Happy Anniversary :)
Our weather in S. Carolina is pretty similar to yours!! It's so crazy that it's this warm already! Makes me a little nervous about the summer!
I am so over this weather too. Georgia summers are always brutal but this year we went from fall back to summer. no spring or winter in there.
Good luck with your projects. They sound like they will turn out cute!
Now following!
Hunger Games = amazing. I love how a good book makes you want to read it all night. :)
I'm not a big fan of St Patty's myself so I'm glad I'm not the only one! lol
I've never really celebrated St. Patty's day either. This year was the first time I actually went to a pub for St. Patty's, but I didn't wear green or drink anything I'm not sure if mine counts either? And I only stayed out until 8pm. LOL
Hunger games is absolutely amazing. I'm happy to hear another person read it. Also, I'm so jealous of your weather!! We live in Oregon... Where it rains 4 out of the 4 seasons. (Ok, maybe only half of the summer season... on a good year). I would totally trade you for a couple of seasons if I could.
Ok, I sometimes don't like to admit it, but I am super excited about the Hunger Games too! The cast looks so great- very fitting!
And yes, these temps are dragging me down. 85% humidity is a threat to my hair, which is frizzing as we speak! Bring on the cooler spring temps, please :)
Enjoy that stay-cation! Those are always the best, if you ask me! No hassle of travel, just pure relaxation and freedom to do what you wish- Hope you and your hubby have a great weekend coming up!
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