Thoughts?? Does anyone know what I'm talking about?
EW! What?! NO!!!
Not THAT kind!!
I'm talking about the show on ABC that just started last week...

Anyone watch it?? I have watched one episode...I think its pretty hilarious!
In the ONE episode I have seen, the husband finds out that his wife went to a marriage counselor...just to see how they were doing. BUT she never told him. He found out anyway and by the end of the episode they agree on talking to one another before speaking to a counselor.
That got me thinking about a post by Kate over at Every Mile a Memory called Are You Your Husband's Girlfriend?
I really enjoyed her post about continuing to do the little things that were important long after the 'newness' of the relationship wears off and once he puts a ring on it. Part of what she talks about makes me think of communication and how it is so important to maintaining the friendship that started before the romance did...for most anyway =)
I talked to J about it the other night as we cuddled on the couch. The term Kate used was 'Forever Girlfriend' -- J thought it was so cute. I know over the past year since the wedding I HAVE slacked in my overall attempts to be a 'girlfriend'. He, without a doubt, still loves me and thinks I'm 'The Hot-ness That Is' but I know he loves when I make an effort. I still try to dress up (or get dressed at some point for those days on the couch) and I spritz some perfume/body spray every morning. But I am not talking ONLY dressing up or being presentable but also in my attitude.
I have lately been very quick to get frustrated when The Husband isn't seeing my perspective or understanding my POV. It use to be I was patient and would attempt to explain myself in a different way so that we were on the same page as far as what I was trying to convey.
Stress or not, I know I need to make that effort. When I am frustrated so is he and vice versa. It didn't use to be so but it is nice for someone to share in the same emotions. On the other hand, if he is pouting about something that I think is silly, I may start pouting because he is being a brat...OK that scenario is usually the other way around, but whatev =)
The point is that YEARS from now, I want to have an even happier and healthier relationship with the man I call Husband than I do today.
I promise not to take myself so seriously; be more patient about everything; play his silly games, even if they are annoying at times -- ESPECIALLY since he almost ALWAYS plays mine; be passionate about us and our relationship.
The explanation/equation Kate gave to help all the women out there really understand what was going on with their man was:
Always remember that men need to feel admired.
Pride + Ego = Man
Feeling admired is a male need.
Being needed is a male need.
Are you YOUR Husband's girlfriend?
Go on, go get your happy ending!
STILL not talking about THAT kind!!
Happy Friday!

this is so interesting..holy crap! i am still 'dating' aka not engaged or married..but its been 4 years and sure the spark isnt ALWAYS there like it was when we were in the honeymoon stage, but everyone has their ups and downs right?
I have to go read her post!! thanks for this! :) you and your hubby are adorable
Love this. As a lady that is getting married in a week I absolutey could totally relate to this post... I hope that a year from now or twenty years from now I can act this way and still be my hubbys girlfriend ;) HAPPY EASTER WEEKEND!
I haven't seen it yet!!!!
I've only seen the preview for the show--but it looks cute! I'll have to tune in :)
And I read Kate's post too, I loved it! Seeing that I AM still the 'girlfriend' and it's been this long we must be doing something right...we are ALWAYS goofing around but are serious when need to be. And, we both swear that without great communication, we would have never got to the 8+ yesrs it has been :) I will make sure to aaalways be Larry's girfriend :) (hopefully not LITERALLY haha)
Oh my gosh... I just got home from my vaca and am catching up on reading blogs. I just read this post and am so honored that I touched you with my words. Again, I am honored that you and your husband spoke about my post and that it hit home. It hits home to me too, hence why I wrote about it. And the 'forever girlfriend' phrase is no joke! I don't think Bryan's ever called me his wife... and I like it that way. Forever Girlfriend makes me feel young and hot (LOL!!).. Anyhow, I'm curious to how these past few days how been between you and your husband since you spoke with him about being his girlfriend (and him being your boyfriend). Also, you should totally listen to Dr. Laura. She's pretty tough and radical, but her wisdom and advice is truly life-changing relationship-wise!
I totally need to put some "girlfriend" effort in myself!
Happy Endings is hilarious. I really like it.
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