I have always wanted a dog that could roll over. I don't know why, it has just always been a thing. So right around Christmas, I set out to teach Ruger a new trick.
This weekend, after several months of working with him and lots of laughing, he FINALLY did it on the first try!
I took a video this morning and wanted to share -- our Ruger-dog can ROLL OVER! YAY!
I thought this was a pretty awesome thing for our pup as he is almost 3 -- that's 21 in people years!!! So I guess it was like Doggy-College haha =) Maybe I'll host a little puppy graduation....J would seriously think I was ridiculous! Maybe I'll just settle for some Frosty Paws and a scoop of peanut butter =)

For this edition of T.W.T. we are sharing the pup's beds.
I DIY-ed Ruger's bed; The tutorial I posted can be found here.

He loves his bed -- which is actually bigger than it appears. He usually curls up into a little ball of puppy in the middle and has more than enough room. Although, there was one day that he was especially exhausted and this is how he ended up lol

Head over and link up with Cmae for Tail-Wagging Tuesdays!

For this edition of T.W.T. we are sharing the pup's beds.
I DIY-ed Ruger's bed; The tutorial I posted can be found here.

He loves his bed -- which is actually bigger than it appears. He usually curls up into a little ball of puppy in the middle and has more than enough room. Although, there was one day that he was especially exhausted and this is how he ended up lol

Head over and link up with Cmae for Tail-Wagging Tuesdays!

Just stopping by from Tail wagging Tuesday- Ruger is so cute. Congrads to him for rolling over!
Yay Ruger!!! Such a good pup!
Lily can roll over...and sit pretty. That is all :)
Awww what a cutie! I tried repeatedly to teach Dixie to roll over and she just isn't having any of it. Ha!
hahahah I love the sprawled out sideways superman sleeping position! Adorable!!
Jenn @ http://jamiffer.blogspot.com
Way to go Ruger!! (And Ashley for training well done!)
You did a great job making his bed. So cute!
Hahahahaha, I LOVE the last picture!
Awww, he is adorable!! :)
How cute--slow motion roll!! Good job Ruger!
Unfortuntaely Bailey is NOT a roller :( He can sit, lay, shake, dance...but isn't feeling the rolling over!
Great job on teachin the pooch a new trick!
Wish the pics of the DIY bed came thru, I am ready to throw Mac's out and replace...
Hope all is well!
haha he is sooo cute!! i love doggie tricks, happy yall got it on camera! the video makes me miss my sweet doggie from home :(
Good job Ruger! Oscar will roll over but not until he's done plenty of griping/barking to let me know how much he hates it! ;)
Awesome!! That is so cute :) xoxo
omgosh!!! that is so awesome!!!! congrats!
What a fun new trick! I was excited when my dogs finally learned roll over (I taught them "bang bang"/play dead first to make it easier)!
Playground Duty
that is so awesome that you taught him to roll over at 3 years old!!! i think you should def. host a little puppy graduation, haha.
he is so cute!
YAY! Good job, Ruger! What a cutie! Love the video :)
He is so cute!!
How cute! Good job teaching him!
your dog is freaking adorable.
Kind of reminds me of my lab, who thinks she owns the house, and let's face it, she totally does :)
love your blog btw!
Too cute! Thanks for posting the video! :)
super cute pup!! great job on the bed!
Oh my gosh, he's just adorable!! YAY for learning to roll over!! I wish mine could do that. I am just glad they know "sit." Haha.
Ruger is adorable!!! He rolls over so well!! :P
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