Have you ever had to do this? I don't mean to obsess about what is going on with us,...but I started last night. I took stuff off the walls. It was so weird. Not having crap on the walls makes the whole place look different; which I know is the point but it is surprising. Maybe it is because there has always been stuff on the walls...J had stuff up when I moved in. He had one room dedicated to Scarface stuff and posters and pictures. He says the movie is a classic. I fall asleep EVERY. TIME. I try to watch it. I don't find it that entertaining...in fact it is a little boring. Oh well -- he can have his man room in our next home and have all of it back on the walls.
They tell us to take all our personal items down, family pictures, knick knacks. It is supposed to help people come in and not be distracted by your things and be able to visualize their own stuff in the space. WHAT am I supposed to do with all our stuff that is supposed to be hidden?!
Thank GOODNESS we have family in the area. We will be storing a good amount of our personal things and wall hangings at my parent's house. Tonight I am going to spend a lot of time going through the craft room. I have to organize the space and de-clutter-fy it.
I'll post some before and after photos of the space. You are going to be shocked and I am going to be a little ashamed as the room has become our 'catch-all' over the past couple months with everything else going on. I just haven't had time to be in there.
I have a puppy and ice-cream date with my Medium-Friend on Sunday that I am looking forward to. Saturday is going to be time with The Husband and probably more cleaning --woo. MAYBE we can take a lake break =)
Have a wonderful weekend! Happy Friday!

That must be such a weird feeling. I remember when we were moving, we didn't have to stage, but just taking things down and the house looking so empty feels really odd. Good luck with everything, and yes, thank goodness for family!
Our office is our catch-all room :(. I hear every house has one... I'll bet it is sad taking down all your stuff!
Sometimes, it just feels to clear out some space! Makes you breath better I think. I would so love to have a medium friend! Have a great weekend!
What an adorable blog. I am a new follower!
I never knew how much staging influenced a home buyer. We looked at two townhomes that had the exact same layout. One was staged and one was not. I honestly could not wait to get out of the one that wasn't staged. It was just hard to envision us there when someone else's stuff was EVERYWHERE.
We are dealing with the whole staging thing too right now. The more I think about it the more it ticks me off. My Mama is a realtor and their company doesn't make you stage and they sell houses like crazy. I think it just depends on the realtor. Good luck, though! xoxo
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