This is no laughing matter. This is serious. I have a probl....
OK it isn't THAT serious but my mom pointed out to me the other night that if we count Christmas, I have purchased or received.....8....yes EIGHT pairs of shoes...all since December 25. How could someone POSSIBLY need so many pairs of shoes in such a short time period?! To that, I have no answer. But here is a list and some pictures of the shoes I have received/purchased:

the dog chewed the originals of these and I LOVE these shoes. So my mom got them for me for Christmas

Christmas from Mom -- I LOVE these. I didn't have a pair of shoes to wear with brown of any kind so CLEARLY i needed them
Gray Boots

Christmas from Mom-- I had black and brown boots but nothing cute and these were a GREAT they are slouchy

Chrstimas from Jess -- they are so amazing! I LOVE them!!

Christmas from MIL -- I didn't have any - and what girl doesn't need a fabulous pair of pink heels?!

Christmas from MIL-- needed NICE red heels. I use to have hooker-ish red heels that were patent red and NOT comfortable...I finally gave them up about a year ago when I realized that I NEVER wore them because they were so uncomfortable

Necessity for Christina's wedding

Necessity for my sister's wedding

replaced the blue anniversary shoes that J bought me that didn't fit
Now I know I have another problem -- I can rationalize each unnecessary pair of shoes.
Due to some recent events, I am now banned from purchasing shoes...for a while. No I wasn't caught smuggling shoes out of a store in my purse or under my shirt, I just don't need to be spending money on superfluous items.
But I LLOOOOOOVVVVE shoes! I get so much use out of them! Shoes are SUCH a great purchase for me -- I wear shoes every day. =)
This post did show me that I can still acquire amazing shoes through the help of my family who live me and are, apparently, willing to feed my shoe hunger =)
Now this may or may not seem like a lot of shoes in a short period of time. The PROBLEM I have is that I TALK about shoes...a LOT. I share them here; I talk to J about them; I talk to my friends about them; I talk to my family about them; I'm obsessed and I don't want to stop. I can ALWAYS use another pair of shoes.
In order to really kick our butts into gear, J and I are devising a STRICT budget to live on for the time being, which doesn't include a shoe budget. I know in the long run this is the best thing. But right now, I'm pouting. A lot.

I LOVE ALL OF YOUR SHOES! Pshhhh it's a total girl thing and I deem (is that even a word?) everyone neccessary!!!!
I love them all! :) And they're all totally necessary!
i need to invest in a fabulous pair of pink heels
i am saving for leopard Louboutons..I am freakin dying for those babies!
i agree that shoes are a great purchase because we wear them EVERY DAY!!
im sorry about your strict budget least you have 8 sexy heels to get you through it!!
Love them all! I hear ya, I am always like I need these for this and these for this... :)
GIRL! I am right there with you!!! Though mine is more of a Jessica Simpson heel obsession. I have to seriously talk myself out of buying them. It's bad.
I ADORE those Kate Spade heels!!!!
Wow, you are a shoeaholic but good thing you like CUTE shoes. Umm, can I have those boots? They are to die for!
I wish I had all of your shoes! Great collection!!! The pink heels are so cute, I want them!!!
I love them ALL! Plus some were gifts and some were necessity, so that's okay!
Happy Tuesday! xoxo
A Little Bit of This & That
Giveaway for a Great Cause
Have you ever seen the movie "In Her Shoes"? My favorite line from it is this...
"I get something out of them! When I feel bad I like to treat myself. Clothes never look any good... food just makes me fatter... shoes always fit."
I love the sparkly shoes!!!!
and to think I thought I had a problem! haha jk :) I love them all and you make me feel better about my love of shoes!
I got 5 pairs two weekends ago.. I will look into finding a meeting or support group for us to attend!
Your sparkly shoes.. Well I got those in hot pink for my wedding day <3
I love shoes too. I have way to many pairs :)
Since half of them were gifts/for a wedding you're safe :) I love the pink, mustard and white pairs--and of course the gray boots, they are so comfy :)
I'm pretty sure my 60+ purse/wallet/clutch collection is out of control to some, but not to me!!!
You have such great taste in shoes :D
I love all of your shoes! They are all so fun!! My question is, how do you store them?
you can never have too many shoes!
hehehe... I like shoes too... but I had to cut them out :(
A girl can never have to many shoes! I'm a shoeaholic also. I got six pair or more for Christmas and have atleast brought 6 pairs since. My dad alway asks why I have perfect shoes to match my outfits and he's a guy so he just doesn't understand but my response is always "because I buy the shoes and then find something to match them"!
I loe all of your shoes!!
i think shoes are the best addiction to have! in your defense, i blame your family! haha. :)
I adore this post! You are too funny :) Love your taste in shoes- every single pair! Good luck with the budget :)
I love shoes too! Problem is, I have a tom boy side of me so sometimes I get stumped on how to match them to an outfit, especially with skirts and dresses!
Those champagne ones are my favorite!!!
I feel like you can totally justify each of these pairs, they're all different colors/looks. It's not like you bought 8 pairs of black heels! But then again, I have a borderline shopping issue so I'm probably not the best person to give advice on the subject lol
I have and love that last yellow shoes! :) don't worry, ashley... you're not alone.
Hey, most of them were gifts, so that's totally okay! Haha!! Love the pink heels!
All I can say is that each and every one of those shoes is DIFFERENT, and that's ALL that matters =) As long as you're not buying 12 different pairs of black pumps I think the shoe thing is totally in control! PS. I love all of those!
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