It has been a weird and random week this week - especially with the long weekend. I'll get back to our regularly scheduled programming haha =) In the meantime, just a couple RANDOMS
Cutey baby shower favors - can't wait to share all the pictures and the baby gifts I made for it:

OK here is a sneak peek of part of the shower gift...

Last night's sky before the storms taken by moi outside of our house

I didn't end up taking any pictures this weekend. The Husband worked all day Saturday and I went to Joanns with my mom, sister, and Jess J. Sunday The Husband and I stayed at the house until dinner, then went to our fave Mexican restaurant with Marc and Christy for some two for one drinks and yummy food. Monday we spent most of the day running errands and then at his parent's house. It was nice to see The Husband for two consecutive days of a weekend! yay! =) He has been SOOOO busy with work - it was nice to have us time again =)
Annnnddd Just for a laugh:

Such a great sky photo!
Those baby shower favors were so cute! Love them.
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