Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Pretty in Pink & WILW

Monday morning I got out of bed prepared to get ready for work. I walk into the bathroom, pick up my hair dryer and turn it on. Except, it never turns on. After 7-8 years of us, my hair dryer finally gave out. =( I was so sad! I told my mom and she sent me 2 $10 off coupons to go pick up another.
My friend told me that I could call customer service and send the hair dryer to them with $25 and they would replace it or send a new one. That is all well and good, BUT how long would that take?! I need a hair dryer NOW.
Because I have an amazing husband, he went to JC Penney for me to pick up the exact model. He called me when he got there and the following conversation ensued:
J: They don't have the same EXACT model.  The one they have here is a different color but the guy says it is exactly the same.
Me: OK.  What color is it?
J: Pink.
Me: Why are we discussing this?! Get the pink one!! =)
It was one sale for 25% off and then J was able to use BOTH coupons bringing the total to ~$75!!!! I am one happy girl!!! =)

And isn't it just GORGEOUS in pink?! =)

Go link up with Jamie for What I'm Loving Wednesdays!

I'm Loving that I am going to get to sing this Friday night again! I had to take last week off because I was still sick!

I'm Loving that it is FINALLY warming up and by the weekend it is going to be close to 80!! I wish it was like this year round. I should probably move to SoCal!!

I'm Loving my new pink hair dryer! It is really all about the little things people! =)

I'm Loving that the week is halfway over!

I'm Loving that J doesn't have to be out of town over night this week for work.  That means I have had him to myself every night. That's my favorite!

I'm Loving that I am almost over being sick. I still have a cough that I can't kick BUT I'm doing SO much better!! =) Thank you for all the well wishes =)

I'm Loving our puppy, Ruger.  He has turned into such a good dog and he's so smart and loving!

I'm Loving that Christina's wedding is 5 weeks and 2 days away!

I'm Loving my little sister is getting married in about 5 months!

I'm Loving my amazing husband.  I know he would do anything for me and he loves me unconditionally. ♥

What are you loving?? 


Young and Fabulous said...

its amazing how pink things make us girls so happy! haha what a nice man you have to go get it for ya!! :)

glad you are feeling better chicka! yay for singing!

xoxox happy humpday!

Christina said...

That's one serious hair dryer! I love that it's pink!!

I love that it's warming up too! But please don't move to SoCal!!!

Elizabeth said...

I literally LOL'd at the "why are we discussing this...get the pink one!" Too funny!

Allison said...

You can come visit us in SoCal anytime (well once we move there...but next winter) :D

I am sure you are LOVING having your husby home this week! Those are definitely the best.

Anonymous said...

How fun to get ready in the am with the pink dryer. That would start my day right each day!!

Sweet husband!! Enjoy your week.

Kym @ Travel Babbles said...

I want a pink hair dryer!! I brought a pink hair straightner over to Germany and it fried the first time I plugged it in :( tear. I don't know if I could spend 75 on a blow dryer but I'm sure it provides wonderful results !

Jessica and Stephan said...

so sweet that your husband went and bought you the dryer!

Lindsay said...

CHI is the best!!! My pink CHI straightener died one morning last year and I was suuuuper sad since I'd had it forever! Now I have a pink and purple polka dot one, so I'm happy :) How sweet is your husband, going to get you a new hair dryer!!! Love it!

Nicole said...

I've actually never tried a Chi hairdryer, but I love my flattening Iron!

And I one time had a cough I couldn't kick, the guy I was dating at the time made me take a shot of whiskey which was nasty but I beat the cough :)

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

Ohhhhhhh, I'm jealous!