Happy Fri....Oh wait, It is MY Friday! Sorry, I know -- I shouldn't rub it in. That's rude!
This marks my 200th post!! I. AM. FLOORED! I didn't know if I would stick with this but I LOVE to blog and talk to all you lovelies
The Husband worked TWO 24 hour shifts and right now he is on his way to ATLANTA for a DAY JOB. He left the house this morning at 3:30!! Not even joking. I DID manage to go back to sleep -- which is a small victory for me! But at least he will be home with me tonight!
I took tomorrow off because J and I want to celebrate our anniversary (which is Sunday) by spending three WHOLE days together! WOO! I'm so excited!! I will let you know what we do and how it goes
Oh AND today is our month-iversary haha. Hey - stop judging! We celebrate our dating month-iversary AND our wedding month-iversary. J is WAY better remembering than I am. I tell him it is because I have so much else going on in my brain, he has to take responsibility of remembering SOMETHING
Oh AND today is our month-iversary haha. Hey - stop judging! We celebrate our dating month-iversary AND our wedding month-iversary. J is WAY better remembering than I am. I tell him it is because I have so much else going on in my brain, he has to take responsibility of remembering SOMETHING
I am happy to be finished with this week though. Thank you all so much for the kind words and virtual hugs on Monday J I felt very loved and filled with warm fuzzies! The week has been HIGHLY exhausting. We have dealt with some issues but I am happy to report that I think what was going on has been resolved! HOORAY!
My very sweet friend Christina has had a rough week -- it isn't my place to discuss it; she has briefly discussed it this week, BUT I do ask, if you have a minute, go share some ♥ love ♥
Tonight I am bowling with my daddy and Marc & Christy -- I love that Christy and I get guaranteed friend time every week. It will be sad when it ends in about 6 weeks =/ We will definitely have to find another league for us to bowl together.
I had a bacon, egg & cheese biscuit from Chick-fil-a for the first time. Can I just say UH-MAZ-ING! Seriously, it is so yummy and doesn't sit heavy in my tummy. Couple that with some chocolate milk = best part of my day so far haha
I had a bacon, egg & cheese biscuit from Chick-fil-a for the first time. Can I just say UH-MAZ-ING! Seriously, it is so yummy and doesn't sit heavy in my tummy. Couple that with some chocolate milk = best part of my day so far haha
Christy let me copy her Katy Perry cd -- can i just tell you how much I love it!? I didn't think I would ever listen to Katy Perry...I wasn't completely sold on some of her early releases but I am loving Teenage Dream.
Anyone listen to All Time Low? I 'discovered' this band about 3 years ago when I couldn't sleep and turned on one of the MTV channels that actually still plays music videos at night. I LOVE this band -- I love the harmonies and their clever lyrics. *Funny Story* when I got to the window to pay for aforementioned breakfast, the girl noticed that I had an All Time Low cd sitting on the passenger seat. We 'hit' it off lol and had a pleasant conversation. It is funny to me what makes people connect with one another
Happy almost Friday!

Have a great anniversary weekend!
Ahh yay, it's my Friday, too!! :)
You're sweet :)
I'm jealous of your Chickfila consumption. Have you tried their spicy chicken biscuit yet? It's amazing! 10x's better than the sandwich...it's definitely due to the buttermilk biscuit!
Yay for time with the hubby and your anniversary! How time flies!!
Today is my Friday too! Happy weekend :) ... and I totally have some All Time Low on iTunes!
so jealous you get the day off tomorrow :)
hope you have a wonderful and romantic weekend together!
and congrats on 200 posts!!
Happy YOUR Friday!
your man got up at 330 to go to atlanta for a DAY!?! jeeesh! What state do ya'll live in! must be a far drive!
have fun bowling! that's always a good time!
heading over to your friends blog now :) thanks girlie
happy month-a-versary!
Happy Anniversay x2! Hope you have a great & relaxing weekend with your love!
Sounds like someone is having a good week! I want a three day weekend too!!!
I love made up words like month-iversary! Last night, I said to my husband "babe, our sixmoniversary is Friday!" He replied, "what kind of word is that?" Lol! Love it! :) Have fun this weekend you two!
Happy 200 posts!!
Ooo I love chick-fil-a. I saw they have a new banana pudding shake. I must try it.
YAY for 200 posts! Have a great anniversary weekend! xoxo
happy anniversary!!!
i wasn't a fan of Katy Perry until this album! i think it's awesome and her voice is incredible! she's gorgeous too!
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