Thursday, July 22, 2010

Convertible Dress

For many many months now I have wanted a convertible dress from Victoria's Secret. You know the one; you can change the styles to achieve various looks. It's amazing but I wasn't going to pay $80 for one. I decided I could probably figure out how to make one. I'm so smart!!! I figured it out and made my very own Tuesday night -- it only took about an hour, but last night is when I finally got around to taking photos! I love that I can have various looks depending on the occasion and best of all, my wonderful husband LOVES it =)
I have already worn it to work -- in the first style. I got so many compliments!
The material is a 4-way stretchy material and super super comfy!
Here are a few pictures -- front and back -- of a couple different styles! ENJOY!

Here is a quick mini-tutorial. If you have any questions, ask away!! I hope you understand it lol!!
I didn't use directions -- I just measured from right under my bust to the length I wanted, cut two pieces of fabric (tapered to account for the waist line) and sewed those together. I cut the 2 long pieces for the straps/top :: I'm 5'6" (ish) and size 3 and made the straps 80" in length. I sewed the straps to the top of the skirt and viola! =) easy peasy! I had an overlap of the straps just because I think it's more flattering to my frame to have an overlap vs putting it all out there lol. I put seams on the straps but didn't hem the bottom of the skirt. HTH! =)


Anonymous said...

I love this so much! You're too cute!

Anngela said...

Thanks Ash! I am determined to make this work for me!! :)

Katie said...

great job! another project to add to my list ;)

Faith said...

that is amazing! wow!

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you had a blog and I didn't realize how much of an amazing crafty girl you are! Love the dress!

Tanya said...

Gorgeous dress, and I love the colour!