Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Summer Must Haves Blog Swap

In my haste to deal with all the things that fell on me in the past couple weeks, I realized today that I hadn't posted my Summer Must Haves package from Dana over at My Every Day Life.

I LOVE the wine glass she sent over -- the color is amazing and I am really into wine glasses right now.  I use it for all different sorts of drinks, meanwhile J laughs at me because there is milk in my wine glass =)
I haven't made any of the wine drinks from the book but looking through it, there are some amazing recipes that I simply must try!
While I generally don't wear gold ANYTHING -- I love the antique-y feel of the color of this bracelet. Every time I wear it I get SO many compliments!
The flower ring is phenomenal -- I feel like Dana really got an idea of what I like =) I also LOVE the nail polish colors and the lip gloss flavor.  I can't wear the orange and blue together because The Husband is an FSU fan...my girl, Christina, however, would think I was THE GREATEST if I wore them together lol. I had my toes the orange last week and loved how summer-y I felt =)
Thanks again to Krysten at After 'I Do' for hosting the swap. And Dana -- I have had SO much fun getting to know you through your blog =)
Happy Short Week Peeps!


Michelle (michabella) said...

Oooo! You got some great goodies!!!

Faith said...

awesome goodies! i love that bracelet and i love that you drink milk in wine glasses, hehe.

Dana said...

You have everything displayed so nicely! I'm glad you like everything.

Anonymous said...

Wow that looks soo cute!! Love it!

Christina said...

Cute stuff :)

Oh yes, wear them together!!! haha

Michelle said...

Great goodies! I love the nail polish colors! Love the lipgloss and cute ring too! :)

Kym @ Travel Babbles said...

Wow, how cool! I just love that ring and that coral polish is fantastic! xo

Kristi said...

Hi! I am a personal friend of Dana's and also follow Krysten's blog. I didn't jump on the summer swap but love the idea and the cool things all you ladies got. Dana sent you a pretty cool package!