Tuesday, September 7, 2010

DIY and 3-day weekend

I had a lovely 3-day weekend.  I spent time out at the lake, I looked for a new house, watched some movies and had a moment of crafting!  I know, I'm disappointed with me too -- I thought FOR SURE I would have more time to craft BUT I was very social this weekend. 
Saturday I went to breakfast with J and then my mom, sis and I went and looked at new homes and homes for sale, trying to get an idea of what I do and don't want in our next home.  Meanwhile, J was fishing.
Sunday, while J worked, I went out on the lake with my favorite Medium Friend -- check her out at Skip to My Lou.  She's awesome! Her and her fiance and then another couple that we are all friend with and I went out on the lake for several hours.  We had a great time! 
Medium Friends (inside joke)

When J got home, we watched some more movies on my lists: Law Abiding Citizen and Finding Nemo.  Both movies I had seen before but since starting this project, I'm we are watching together.  Have you noticed my trend??  Watch a scary/creepy/unsettling movie followed by a happy/upbeat/friendly/[usually Disney] movie.  Yes that's how I don't have bad dreams. =)

Monday, J and I drove around and found my dream house!  We're looking into it to see if we can swing it, so fingers crossed people!!!  I will give more details if it looks like it may work out.  Then we tackled a couple more movies: National Treasure and National Treasure II.  I just adore Nic Cage!

Last night I FINALLY got around to some craft time and made a super cute shirt that I am really happy to share with you!!  It's completely 100% DIY, no pattern, no tracing -- just genius! OK maybe not genius but creativity for sure. =) ENJOY!


Tutti said...

1. This is a GREAT time to buy as housing prices are super low and interest rates are at an all time low. Just make sure to review your credit report ASAP and clear up anything 'sketchy'. Those jerks take forever and it can really hold up a sale. But how exciting- I want to see pictures of this 'dream house' of yours :)
2. That shirt it too cute for school! LOVE IT!

Adrienne said...

LOVE the shirt! You are soo talented, girl! And I so love that you watch Law Abiding Citizen and then Finding Nemo :) I do the same thing! We will put the Disney channel on for some Phineas and Ferb action :) Or Wizards of Waverly Place. :)

I want to see this dream house!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I need this shirt! You need to let me know how to make it (or just make me one, haha)!

Faith said...

i am in LOVE with that shirt! OMG it is so cute! Can't get over how talented you are. I really would like that shirt in my closet! You are so lucky that you know how to make your own clothes. I would be the happiest girl in America if I could do that!